papers related to the project
The papers we have presented at different conferences with topics and
results from the project. Some papers
have links to their pdf-versions.
Christian Fleischer, Konstantin Kondak, Andreas Wege, Ingo Kossyk, Research on Exoskeletons at the TU Berlin Proceedings of the German Workshop on Robotics 2009, about to appear
Christian Fleischer, Andreas Wege,
Konstantin Kondak, Günter Hommel, Application of EMG signals for controlling
exoskeleton robots Biomed Tech 2006, Vol. 51, Issue
5/6, Special Issue: Biosignal Processing (Part 2), Walter DeGruyter,
pp. 314-319
Christian Fleischer, Andreas Wege,
Günter Hommel: Exoskelette:
Mit Hand und Fuß Forschung AkTUell, Nr. 51,
September 2006, pp. 22-24, ISSN 0176-263X
orthodoc., Issue 04/2007, pp. 27-29, ISSN 1613-4486
Christian Fleischer, Günter Hommel: Embedded
Control System for a
Powered Leg Exoskeleton Proceedings of the 7th
International Workshop "Embedded Systems - Modeling, Technology and
Applications", 2006, Springer, pp.177-185, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3
Andreas Wege, Günter Hommel: Position-based and force-based
control strategies for a hand exoskeleton developed for rehabilitation Proceedings of the Joint Conf. on
Robotics: ISR 2006 and Robotik 2006
Christian Fleischer, Günter Hommel: Steuerung einer angetriebenen
Beinorthese mit Hilfe von EMG-Signalen Orthopädie Technik, ISSN
0340-5591, Ausgabe Mai 2006, Verlag Orthopädie-Technik
Andreas Wege, Günter Hommel: Development and Control of a Hand
Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation of Hand Injuries Proc. of the 2005 IEEE/RSJ Int.
Conf. On Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2005, pp. 3461-3466,
ISBN 0-7803-8913-1
Christian Fleischer, Günter Hommel: EMG-Driven
Human Model for Orthosis
Control Proceedings of the 6th
International Workshop "Human Interaction with Machines", 2005,
Springer, pp.
Andreas Wege, Günter Hommel: Development and Control of a Hand
Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation. Proc. Intern. Workshop on "Human
Interactions with Machines", 2005, Springer, pp. 149-157
Konstantin Kondak and Günter Hommel:
Online Generation of Stable Gait for Biped Robots with Feedback Loop
Proceedings of the IEEE Conf. on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics,
2004, pp. 710-715
Christian Fleischer and Konstantin
Kondak and Christian Reinicke and Günter Hommel: Motion Calculation based on
EMG-Signal-Processing Proceedings of the 7th Int.
Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), 2004, pp. 153-161
Christian Fleischer and Konstantin
Kondak and Christian Reinicke and Günter Hommel: Online
Calibration of the EMG to
Force Relationship Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ
Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2004, pp. 1305-1310
Andreas Wege, Konstantin Kondak,
Günter Hommel: Self-Calibrating Joint Angle
Measurements for Human Fingers Using Accelerometer and Gyroscope
Proc. Mechatronics & Robotics´04, 2004, Band 1, pp. 195-200,
ISBN 3-938153-30-X, Sascha Eysoldt Verlag, Aachen