Technische Universität
Berlin Prozessdatenverarbeitung und Robotik (PDV) |
Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: A Human-Exoskeleton Interface Utilizing Electromyography. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 872-882, ISBN 1552-3098, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, 08.2008
Tutsch, D.; Lüdtke, D.: Chip Multiprocessor Traffic Models Providing Consistent Multicast and Spatial Distributions. Simulation-Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), Vol. 84, No. 2/3, pp. 61-73, ISBN 375497, SAGE Publications,
Bernard, M.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: A Slung Load Transportation System Based on Small Size Helicopters. Autonomous Systems - Self Organization, Management, and Control, pp. 49-63, ISBN 978-1-4020-8888-9, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., Shanghai/China, 2008
Lindlar, F.; Zimmermann, A.: A Code Generation Tool for Embedded Automotive Systems Based on Finite State Machines. INDIN08 - 6th IEEE Internat. Conference on Industrial Informatics, pp. 1539-1544, ISBN 978-1-4244-2171-8, IEEE, Daejeon/Korea, 13.07-16.07.2008
Zhang, Y.; Kondak, K.; Lu, T.; Du, J.; Bernard, M.; Wang, G.: Development of the model and hierarchy controller of the quadcopter. Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G; Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 222, No. 1 (2008), pp. 1-12, ISBN 0954-4100, Professional Engineering Publishing, London,
Du, J.; Kondak, K.; Yaou, Z.; Lu, T.: Modelling and Control of a small-scale unmanned Helicopter. Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I; Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, pp. 481-492, ISBN 0959-6518, Professional Engineering Publishing, London, 2008
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: MLMIN: A Multicore Processor and Parallel Computer Network Topology for Multicast. Computers and Operations Research, pp. 3807-3821, ISBN 0305-0548, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 12.2008
Schweppe, H.; Zimmermann, A.; Grill, D.: Flexible In-Vehicle Stream Processing with Distributed Automative Control Units for Engineering and Diagnosis. Proc. SIES 2008 (IEEE 3rd Internat. Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems), pp. 74-81, ISBN 978-1-4244-1995-1, IEEE, Montpellier, Frankreich, 11.06-13.06.2008
Brenner, M.; Zimmermann, A.: Analysis of Delay Time Distributions in Multistage Interconnection Networks Considering Multicast Traffic. 7th IEEE Internat. Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA 08), pp. 236-239, ISBN 978-0-7695-3192-2, IEEE, Cambridge/MA., USA, 10.07.-12.07.2008
Bernard, M.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Load Transportation System Based on Autonomous Small Size Helicopters. Proc. 23nd Bristol UAV Systems Conference, pp. 18.1-18.9, ISBN 978-0-9552644-36, University of Bristol, Bristol/UK, 07.04.-09.04.2008
Fleischer, Ch.; Zimmermann, A.: Auswertung von elektromyographischen Signalen zur Steuerung von Exoskeletten. Informatik-Forschung und Entwicklung/Computer Science-Research and Development, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 173-183, ISBN 1865-2034, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg/USA, 14.02.2008
Wege, A.; Zimmermann, A.: Electromyography Sensor Based Control for a Hand Exoskeleton. Proc. IEEE Internat. Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics 2007, pp. 1470-1475, ISBN 978-1-4244-1758-2, IEEE, Sanya/China, 12.2007
Fleischer, C.; Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: Mit Hand und Fuß - Exoskelette. orthodoc. (interdisziplinäre medizin am bewegungsapparat), Heft 4, pp. 27-29, ISBN 1613-4486, Verlag-orthodoc, Passau, 04.2007
Remuß, V.; Deeg, C.; Musial, M.; Hommel, G.; Béjar, M.; Cuesta, F.; Ollero, A.: Autonomous Helicopters. in: springer tracts in advanced robotics 37-Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Anibal Ollero, Iván Maza (Eds.), pp. 111-146, ISBN 3-540-73957-2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2007
Remuß, V.; Musial, M.; Hommel, G.: Communication. in: springer tracts in advanced robotics 37-Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Anibal Ollero, Iván Maza (Eds.), pp. 49-65, ISBN 3-540-73957-2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2007
Zimmermann, A.: Stochastic Discrete Event Systems-Modeling, Evaluation, Applications. pp. 400, ISBN 978-3-540-741725, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/ Heidelberg,
Pelz, E.; Tutsch, D.: Formal Models for Multicast Traffic in Network on Chip Architectures with Compositional High- Level Petri Nets. Proc. 28th Intern. Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and other Models of Concurrency (ICPTN 2007), J. Kleijn and A. Yakovlev (Eds.): LNCS 4546, pp. 381-401, ISBN 978-54073-093-4, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/ Heidelberg,
Remuß, V.; Zimmermann, A.: Tool-Based Performance Evaluation of the BlackBoard Communication System. Proc. VALUETOOLS 2007, pp. 7, ISBN 978-1-59593-8190, ICST, Nantes/Frankreich, 23.10-25.10.2007
Trowitzsch, J.; Jerzynek, D.; Zimmermann, A.: A Toolkit for Performability Evaluation Based on Stochastic UML State Machines. Proc. VALUETOOLS 2007, pp. 7, ISBN 978-1-59593-8190, ICST, Nantes/Frankreich, 23.10-25.10.2007
Zimmermann, A.; Knoke. M.; Yee, S.T.; Tew, J.D.: Model-Based Performance Engineering of General Motors' Vehicle Supply Chain. Proc. 2007 IEEE Int. Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2007), pp. 1415-1420, ISBN 1-4244-0991-8, IEEE, Montréal/Kanada, 07.10.-10.10.2007
Lüdtke, D.; Tutsch, D.; Kühm, M.: Quantile Estimation for Performance Measures in Network Simulations with CINSim. Proc. QEST'07 (Fourth Int. Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems), pp. 111-112, ISBN 0-7695-2883-X/07, IEEE, Edinburgh/Großbritannien, 17.09-19.09.2007
Tutsch, D., Lüdtke, D.: Spatial Distributions versus Multicast Distributions: Traffic Modeling of Chip Multiprocessor Networks. Proc. of the Intern. Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2007), pp. 512-520, ISBN 1-56555-317-9, SCS, San Diego, USA, 15.07-18.07.2007
Lüdtke, D.; Tutsch, D.: Lossless Static vs. Dynamic Reconfiguration of Interconnection Networks in Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems. Proc.2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC), pp. 717-724, ISBN 1-56555-316-0, SCS, San Diego, USA, 15.07-18.07.2007
Tutsch, D.; Russin, S.; Lüdtke, D.: Analytical Modeling of Flit-Based Partial Cut-Through Switching. Proc. ASMTA 2007, pp. 162-168, ISBN 0-9553018-4-X, SCS, Prag/tschechien, 04.06.2007
Musial, M.: Iterative Construction of Control Systems. 10th German-American of Engineering Symposium, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Hamburg, 04.2007
Musial, M.; Lemke, F.: Feed-Forward Learning: fast Reinforcement Learning of Controllers. Mira, J., Alvarez; J.R. (Eds.): IWINAC 2007, Part II (LNCS 4528), pp. 277-286, ISBN 978-3-540-730545, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007
Bernard, M.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Elaborated Modelling and Control for an Autonomous Quadrotor. Proc. Unmanned Air Vehicle Systems 22nd Intern. Conference Bristol 2007, pp. 27.1-27.10, ISBN 978-0-9552644-I-2, University of Bristol, Bristol/GB, 16.04-18.04.2007
Kondak, K.; Bernard, M.; Meyer, N.; Hommel, G.: Autonomously Flying VTOL-Robots:Modelling and Control. Proc. 2007 IEEE Intern. Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 736-741, ISBN 1-4244-0602-1, IEEE, Rom/Italien, 10.-14.04.2007
Fleischer, Ch., Hommel, G.: Calibration of an EMG-based Bady Model with six Muscles to control a Leg Exoskeleton. Proc. 2007 IEEE Intern. Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2514-2519, ISBN 1-4244-0602-1, IEE, Rom/Italien, 10.-14.04.2007
Knoke, M.: Verteilte optimistische Simulation von stochastischen farbigen Petrinetzen. Dissertation, pp. 222, ISBN 978-386624-207-4, Verlag im Internet GmbH, Berlin, 03.2007
Knoke, M.; Zimmermann, A.: Distributed Simulation of Colored Stochastic Petri Nets with TimeNET 4.0. Proc. 3th Intern. Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2006), pp. 117-119, ISBN 0-7695-2665-9, IEEE, Riverside, CA./ USA, 11.-14.09.2006
Tutsch, D.: Performance Analysis of Network Architectures. pp. 244, ISBN 3-540-34308-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006
Siegeris, J.; Zimmermann, A.: Workflow Model Compositions Preserving Relaxed Soundness. Proc. 4th Intern. Conference Business Process Management, LNCS 4102, pp. 177-192, ISBN 3-540-38901, Springer-Verlag, Wien/ Österreich, 05.-07.09.2006
Zimmermann, A.: Applied RESTART estimation of General Reward Measures. Proc. 6th Intern. Workshop on Rare Event Simulation RESIM 2006, pp. 196-204, Uni Bamberg, Bamberg, 08.-10.10.2006
Lüdtke, D.; Tutsch, D.: Combining Spatial and Multicast Traffic Distributions for Stochastic Modeling and Simulation of Networks-on-Chip. Proc. ASIM 2006 19. Symposium für Simulationstechnik, Hannover, 11.-14.09.2006
Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: Force Control Strategy for a Hand Exoskeleton Based on Sliding Mode Position Control. Proc. IROS 2006, Beijing, 2006
Voruganti, H.K.; Dasgupta, B.; Hommel, G.: Harmonic Function based Domain Mapping Method for General Domains. WSEAS Transaction on Computers, Vol. 5, ISBN 1109-2750, 2006
Voruganti, H.K.; Dasgupta, B.; Hommel, G.: A Novel Potential Field besed Domain Mapping Method. Proc.2006 WSEAS Intern. Conference on Communications, Vouliagmeni, Athen/Griechenland, 13.-15.07.2006
Tutsch, D.; Lüdtke, D.: Compatibility of Multicast and Spatial Traffic Distribution for Modelling Multicore Networks. Proc. 13th Intern. Conference Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA 2006), pp. 29-36, ISBN 0-9553018-0-7, IEEE/SCS, Bonn, 05.2006
Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Steuerung einer angetriebenen Beinorthese mit Hilfe von EMG-Signalen- Control of a Powered Leg Orthosis with EMG Signals. pp. 358-365, ISBN 0340-5591, Orthopädie- Technik 5/06, Dortmund, 2006
Kondak, K.; Wege, A.; Stanczyk, B.; Buss, M.; Hommel, G: Robust Motion Control for Fully Actuated Robots Using Sliding Mode. at-Automatisierungstechnik, Jahrgang 54 (2006) Heft 7, Band 7/1/2006/7, pp. 342-352, ISBN 0178-2312, Oldenbourg Verlag, München, 2006
Hommel, G.; Sheng, H. (Eds.): Human Interaction with Machines. Proc. 6th Intern. Workshop held at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, pp. 188, ISBN 1-4020-4042-3, Springer-Verlag, Shanghai, 2005
Hommel, G.; Sheng, H. (Eds.): Embedded Systems: Modeling, Technology and Applications. Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop held at the Technical University Berlin, pp. 195, ISBN 1-4020-4042-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006
Singla, E.; Dasgupta, B.; Kondak, K.; Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Optimal Design of an Exoskeleton Hip Using Three- Degrees- of- Freedom Spherical Mechanism. Proc. ISR/ Robotik 2006, pp. 10, ISBN 3-18-091956-6, VDI Verlag, München, 15.-18.05.2006
Zimmermann, A.; Knoke, M.; Hommel, G.: Complete Event Ordering for Time Warp Simulation of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems. Proc. Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim’06), pp. 459-466, ISBN 1-56555-303-9, SCS, Huntsville, Alabama, 02.-06.04.2006
Zimmermann, A.; Knoke, M.; Huck, A.; Hommel, G.: Towards version 4.0 of TimeNET. Proc. 13 GI/ ITG Fachtagung, Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (MMB2006) Reinhard German, Armin Heindl (Eds.), pp. 477-480, ISBN 3-8007-2945-8, VDE Verlag GmbH, Nünberg, 27.-29.03.2006
Knoke, M.; Rasinski, D.; Hommel, G.: Embedded Systems Design Using Optimistic Distributed Simulation of Colored Petri Nets. Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and Applications”, pp. 33-42, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: High Performance Low Cost Multicore NoC Architectures for Embedded Systems. Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and Applications”, pp. 53-62, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
Lüdtke, D.; Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: An Analyzable On-Chip Network Architecture for Embedded Systems. Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and Applications”, pp. 63-72, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
Musial, M.; Remuß, V.; Deeg, C.; Hommel, G.: Embedded System Architecture of the Second Generation Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle MARVIN MARK II. Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and Applications”, pp. 101-110, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
Musial, M.; Remuß, V.; Hommel, G.: Middleware for Distributed Embedded Real- Time Systems. Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and Applications”, pp. 111-120, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
Bernard, M.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Framework for Development and Test of Embedded Flight Control Software for Autonomous Small Size Helicopters. Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and Applications”, pp. 159-168, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: Embedded System Design for a Hand Exoskeleton. Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and Applications”, pp. 169-176, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Embedded Control System for a Powered Leg Exoskeleton. Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and Applications”, pp. 177-185, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
Tutsch, D.; Lüdtke,D.; Kühm, M.: Investigating Dynamic Reconfiguration of Network Architectures with CINSim. Proc. 13 GI/ ITG Fachtagung, Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (MMB) Reinhard German, Armin Heindl (Eds.), pp. 445-448, ISBN 3-8007-2945-8, VDE Verlag GmbH, Nürnberg, 27.-29.03.2006
Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Torque Control of an Exoskeleton Knee with EMG Signals. Proc. ISR/ Robotik 2006, pp. 9, ISBN 3-18-091956-6, VDI Verlag, München, 15.-18.05.2006
Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: Position-Based and Force-Based Control Strategies for a Hand Exoskeleton Developed for Rehabilitation. Proc. ISR/ Robotik 2006, pp. 10, ISBN 3-18-091956-6, VDI Verlag, München, 15.-18.05.2006
Kondak, K.; Bernard, M.; Losse, N.; Hommel, G.: Elaborated Modelling and Control for Autonomous Small Size Helicopters. Proc. ISR/ Robotik 2006, pp. 13, ISBN 3-18-091956-6, VDI Verlag, München, 15.-18.05.2006
Wege, A.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Development and Control of a Hand Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation. In: Hommel, G.; Huanye, S. (Hrsg.) Human Interaction with Machines, pp. 149-157, ISBN 1-4020-4042-3, Springer-Verlag, 2005
Pelz, E.; Tutsch, D.: Multistage Interconnection Networks of Arbitary Crossbar Size with Compositional High Level Petri Nets. Proc.2005 European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM2005), pp. 537-543, ISBN 90-77381-22-8, Eurosis, Porto/ Portugal, 2005
Ollero, A; Lacroix, S.; Merino, L.; Gancet, J.; Wiklund, J.; Remuß, V.; Perez, I.V.; Gutierrez, L.G.; Viegas, D.X.; Benitez, M.A.G.; Mallet, A.; Chatila, R.A.R.; Hommel, G.; Lechuga, F.J.C.; Arrue, B.C.; Ferruz, J.; Martinez-de Dios, J.R.; Caballero, F: Multiple Eyers in the Skies. IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine, Heft 0, Vol. 12, pp. 46-57, ISBN ISSN: 1070-9932, IEEE, 2005
Kondak, K.; Bernard, M.; Hommel, G.; Kopanev, D.: High Performance Position Control of an Autonomous Small Size Helicopter. Proc. 6th IASTED Int. Conf. On Robotics and Applications- RA 2005, pp. 70-75, ISBN 0-88986-523-X, IASTED, Cambridge/MA., USA, 31.10.-02.11.05
Reinicke, Ch.; Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Exploiting Motion Symmetry in Control of Exoskeleton Limbs. Proc.IASTED Int. Conf. On Human Computer Interaction (IASTED-HCI 2005), pp. 209-214, ISBN 0-88986-535-3, IEEE, Phoenix, Arizona/USA, 14.-16.11.2005
Wege, A.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Mechanical Design and Motion Control of a Hand Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation. Proc. IEEE ICMA 2005 ( Int. Conf. on Mechatronics and Automation ), pp. 155-159, ISBN 0-7803-9045-9, IEEE, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 29.07.-01.08.2005
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Design of a Robust High Gain Pid Motion Controller using Sliding Mode Theory. Proc. IEEE ICMA 2005 ( Int. Conf. on Mechatronics and Automation ), pp. 26-31, ISBN 0-7803-9045-9, IEEE, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 29.07.-01.08.2005
Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Towards Modeling and Evaluation of ETCS Real-Time Communication and Operation. The Journal of Systems and Software, ( Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems), Vol.77, Issue 1, pp. 47-54, ISBN 0164-1212, Elsevier, 2005
Knoke, M.: Optimistic Distributed Simulation of Global Guards in Colored Petri Nets. Proc. 9th IEEE Int. Symposium on Distributed Simulation & Real Time Applications, Montreal, Canada, 10.-12.10.2005
Fleischer, Ch.; Reinicke, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Predicting the Intended Motion with EMG-Signals for an Exoskeleton Orthosis Controller. Proc.of the 2005 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. On Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 3449-3454, ISBN 0-7803-8913-1, IEEE, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 02.-06.08.2005
Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: Development and Control of a Hand Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation of Hand Injuries. Proc.of the 2005 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. On Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 3461-3466, ISBN 0-7803-8913-1, IEEE, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 02.-06.08.2005
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.; Stanczyk, B.; Buss, M.: Robust Motion Control for Robotic Systems Using Sliding Mode. Proc.of the 2005 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. On Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 3182-3187, ISBN 0-7803-8913-1, IEEE, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 02.-06.08.2005
Tutsch, D.; Lüdtke, D.; Walter, A.; Kühm, M.: CINSim-A Component Based Interconnection Network Simulator for Modeling Dynamic Reconfiguration. Proc. ASMTA '05, pp. 132-137, ISBN 1-84233-116-7, SCS/IEEE, Riga/Lettland, 01.-04.06.2005
Knoke, M.; Hommel, G.: Dealing with Global Guards ina Distributed Simulation of Colored Petri Nets. Proc. 9.IEEE Intern. Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Application, pp. 51-58, ISBN 0-7695-2462-1, IEEE, Montreal,Canada, 10.-12.10.2005
Knoke, M.; Kühling, F.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Performance of a Distributed Simulation of Timed Colored Petri Nets with Fine-Grained Partitioning. Proc.of 2005 Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems Symposium (DASD'05), pp. 63-71, ISBN 1-56555-294-6, SCS, San Diego, USA, 2005
Lüdtke, D.; Tutsch, D.; Walter, A.; Hommel, G.: Improved Performance of Bidirectional Multistage Interconnection. Proc.of 2005 Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems Symposium (DASD'05), pp. 21-27, ISBN 1-56555-294-6, SCS, San Diego, USA, 2005
Tutsch, D.; Lüdtke, D.: Muticast in Switches: Packet Sequences versus Independent Packets. Proc.of 2005 Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems Symposium (DASD'05), pp. 46-52, ISBN 1-56555-294-6, SCS, San Diego, USA, 2005
Trowitzsch, J.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Towards Quantitative Analysis of Real-Time UML using Stochastic Petri Nets. 13th Int. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems (WPDRTS05), ISBN 0-7695-2313-9, IEEE, Denver, Colorado, 04.2005
Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: Development and Control of a Hand Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation. Proc. Intern. Workshop on Human Interactions with Machines, Kluwer, Shanghai/China, 15.-16.03.2005
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Control Algorithm for Stable Movement of an Exoskeleton-Robot Guided by Human Interaction. Proc. Intern. Workshop on Human Interactions with Machines, Kluwer, Shanghai/China, 15.-16.03.2005
Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: EMG-Driven Human Model for Orthesis Control. Proc. Intern. Workshop on Human Interactions with Machines, pp. 69-76, Kluwer, Shanghai/China, 15.-16.03.2005
Almasi, B.; Bloch, G.; Tutsch, D.: Stochastic Modeling of Multistage Interconnection Networks with MOSEL. Journal of Mathematical Science, Heft 5, pp. 2597-2602, ISBN ISSnN-Nr.1072-3374, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004
Fleischer, Ch.; Kondak, K.; Reinicke, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Motion Calculation for Human Lower Extremities Based on EMG-Signal-Processing and Simple Biomechanical Model. Proc.of the 7th Int. Conf. On Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), pp. 153-161, ISBN 3-540-22992-2, Madrid, 2004
Remuß, V.; Musial, M.; Deeg, C.: Communication System for Cooperative Mobile Robots Ad-hoc Networks. 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, M.I. Ribeiro; J. Santos-Victor;, Elsevier, Lissabon, Portugal, 05.-07.07.2004
Deeg, C.; Musial, M.; Hommel, G.: Control and Simulation of an Autonomously Flying Model Helicopter. 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, M.I. Ribeiro; J. Santos-Victor;, pp. 6 Seiten, Elsevier, Lissabon, Portugal, 05.-07.07.2004
Remuß, V.; Musial, M.: BBCS- Efficient Communication System for Connection of Low and High- Performance Systems. Proc. First European Micro Air Vehicle Conference EMAV 2004, Braunschweig, Germany, 13.-14.07.2004
Musial, M.; Deeg, C.; Remuß, V.; Hommel, G.: Orientation Sensing for Helicopter UAVs under Strict Resource Constraints. Proc. First European Micro Air Vehicle Conference EMAV 2004, Braunschweig, Germany, 13.-14.07.2004
Heredia, G.; Remuß, V.; Ollera, A.; Mahtani, R.; Musial, M.: Actuators fault detection in autonomous helicopters. 5th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV 2004), M.I. Ribeiro; J. Santos-Victor;, Elsevier, Lissabon, Portugal, 05.-07.07.2004
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Online Generation of Stable Gait for Biped Robots with Feedback Loop Algorithm. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society ( RAM 2004 ), ISBN 2004710-7150-7803-8646-9, IEEE R&A Soc. Singapore Chapter, Singapore, 01.-03.12.2004
Kondak, K.; Deeg, C.; Hommel, G.; Musial, M.; Remuß, V.: Mechanical Model and Control of an Autonomous Small Size Helicopter with a Stiff Main Rotor. Proc. IROS 2004, pp. 2469-2474, ISBN 0-7803-8464-4, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Sendai, Japan, 28.09.-02.10.2004
Fleischer, Ch.; Kondak, K.; Reinicke, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Online Calibration of the EMG to Force Relationship. Proc. IROS 2004, pp. 1305-1310, ISBN 0-7803-8464-4, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Sendai, Japan, 28.09.-02.10.2004
Wege, A.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Self-Calibrating Joint Angle Measurements for Human Fingers Using Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensors. Proc. Mechatronics & Robotics´04, Band 1/1/1900, pp. 195-200, ISBN 3-938153-30-X, Sascha Eysoldt Verlag, Aachen, 13.09-15.09.2004
Knoke, M.; Kühling, F.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Towards Correct Distributed Simulation of High-Level Petri Nets with Fine-Grained Partitioning. Proc. ISPA-'04 (Internat. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications), LNCS, pp. 64-74, ISBN 3-540-24128-0, Springer-Verlag, Hong Kong, China, 13.-15.12.2004
Rodriguez, D.; Zimmermann, A.; Silva, M.: Two Heuristics for the Improvement of a Two-Phase Optimization Method for Manufacturing Systems. Proc. SMC 2004 (Systems, Man and Cybemetics), pp. 1686-1692, ISBN 0-7803-8567-5, The Hague, Netherland, 2004
Dehnert, J.; Zimmermann, A.: Mking Workflow Models Sound Using Petri Net Controller Synthesis. Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (COOPIS'04) LNCS 3290, pp. 139-154, ISBN 0302-9743, Springer-Verlag, Larnaca/Zypern,
Knoke, M.; Zimmermann, A.: Time Efficient Distributed Simulation of High-Level Petri Nets. Submitted for publication,
Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Towards Modeling and Evaluation of ETCS Real-Time Communication and Operatin. Journal of Systems and Software, 2004
Heindl, A.: ETAQA Truncation Models for the MAP/MAP/1 Departure Process. Proc. of the First Int. Conf. On the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST) 2004, pp. 100-109, ISBN 0-7695-2185-1, IEEE Computer Society, Enschede, Niederlande, 27.-30.09.2004
Heindl, A.: Sensitivity Analysis for MAP/MAP/1 Queues. 12 th GI/ITG Conf. On Measuring, Modelling and Evalutation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB) together with 3rd Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium (PGTS), Buchholz, Peter; Lehnert, Ralf; Pioro, Michal;, pp. 235-244, ISBN 3-8007-2851-6, VDE-Verlag GmbH, Dresden, 12.-15.09.2004
Heindl, A.: Inverse Characterization of Hyperexponential MAP(2)s. 11th Int. Conf. on Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA 2004), pp. 183-189, SCS Publishing House, Magdeburg, 13.-16.06.2004
Remuß, V.; Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.: BBCS Robust Communication System for Distributed Systems. Proc. IEEE Internat. Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2004), ISBN 3-8167-6556-4, Bonn, 24.-26.05.2004
Ollero, A.; Hommel, G.; Gancet, J.; Gutierrez, L.-G.; Viegas, D.X.; Forssén, P.-E.; González, M.A.:: Comets: A Multiple Heterogeneous UAV System. SSRR2004- Konferenz, ISBN 3-8167-6556-4, 2004
Lüdtke, D.: Dynamisch Rekonfigurierbare Systeme. 17th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems -Organic and Pervasive Computing, Augsburg, 2004
Tutsch, D.; Lüdtke, D.; Hommel, G.: Multicast Routing in Clos Networks. Proceedings of 2004, Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems 2004 (DASD 2004), pp. 21-27, ISBN 156555-277-6, SCS, Arlington, 18.-22.04.2004
Hohnhäuser, B.; Hommel, G.: 3D Pose Estimation using Coupled Snakes. WSCG Conference Proceedings, Volume 12, Number 1, V. Skala (ed.), University of West Bohemia, Heft 1, Vol.1, pp. 161-165, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2004
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Control and Online Computation of Stable Movement for Biped Robots. Proceedings IROS 2003 (2003 IEEE/RSJ Internat. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems), pp. 874-879, ISBN 0-7803-7861-X, IEEE, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2003
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Control algorithm for stable walking of biped robots. 6th Intern. Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, pp. 119-126, ISBN 1-86058-409-8, Professional Engineering Publishing Limited, Giovanni Muscato, Domenico Longo, Catania, Italy, 2003
Heindl, A.: Analytic moment and correlation matching for MAP(2)s. Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems, pp. 39-42, Hausverlag der University of Illinois, Monticello, IL, USA, 2003
Heindl, A.; van de Liefvoort, A.: Moment conversions for discrete distributions. Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems, pp. 5-8, Hausverlag der University of Illinois, Monticello, IL, USA, 2003
Heindl, A.; Mitchell, W.; van de Liefvoort, A.: The correlation region of second-order MAPs with application to queueing network decomposition. Proc. 13th Int. Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation, pp. 237-254, ISBN 3-540-40814-2, ISSN 0302-9743, Springer-Verlag LNCS 2794, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, 2003
Heindl, A; Biersack, E.: Discrete - state and fluid stochastic Petri net models for open-loop video-on-demand systems: a comparative case study. Proc. 10th Int. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, pp. 40-49, ISBN 0-7695-1976-8 ISSN 1063-6714, Gianfranco Ciardo, William Sanders, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, 2003
Heindl, A.; Biersack, E.: Hybrid performance modeling of open-loop video distribution with VCR functionality. Proc. 18th Int. Teletraffic Congress, pp. 201-210, ISBN 0-444-51455-4, VDE-Verlag, Berlin, 2003
Telek, M.; Heindl, A.: Matching moments for acyclic discrete and continuous phase-type distributions of second order. Intl. Journal of Simulation 3 (3-4), pp. 47-57, ISBN 1473-8031, United Kingdom Simulation Society, 2003
Heindl, A.: Decomposition of general queueing networks with MMPP inputs and customer losses. Performance Evaluation 51 (2-4), pp. 117-136, ISBN 0166-5316, Elsevier Computer Sciene, 2003
Neumann, M.; Hommel, G.: Tactile Commanding of Mobile Manipulators Using Force/Torque Gestures. ICAR 2003, the 11th Intern. Conference on Advanced Robotics, Vol. 2, pp. 804-809, ISBN 972-96889-8-2, IEEE, Coimbra, Portugal, 30.06.-03.07.2003
Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: A Train Control System Case Study in Model-Based Real-Time System Design. Proc. 11th Intern. Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Real- Time Systems, pp. 8, ISBN 0-7695-1926-1, IEEE, Nizza, 22.-24.04.2003
Brenner, M.: On Obtaining Delay Distributions in Multistage Interconnection Networks in Case of Packet Multicasting. Proc. Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed System 2003, part of the 2003 ASTC 2003, pp. 43-49, ISBN 1-56555-266-0, SCS The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Orlando, Florida, 30.03.-03.04.2003
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Multilayer Multistage Interconnection Networks. Proc. Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed System 2003, part of the 2003 ASTC 2003, pp. 155-162, ISBN 1-56555-266-0, SCS The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Orlando, Florida, 30.03.-03.04.2003
Reinicke, Ch.; Buss, M.: Towards Multi-Modal Mobile Telepresence and Telemanipulation. In: Hommel;Sheng (Hrsg.) The Internet Challenge: Technology and Applications, ISBN 1-4020-0903-8, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London, 2002
Heindl, A.; Telek, M.: Output models of MAP/PH/1(/K) queues for an efficient network decomposition. Journal of Performance Evaluation, Vol. 49(1-4), pp. 321-339, 2002
Freiheit, J.; Heindl, A.: Novel Formulae for GSPN Aggregation. Proc. 10th ACM/IEEE MASCOTS Symposium 2002 ( Internat. Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication systems), pp. 70-77, ISBN 0-7695-1840-0, IEEE Computer Society, Fort Worth, 2002
Hommel, G.; Sheng, H.: The Internet Challenge: Technology and Applications. Proc. Of the 5th Internat. Workshop held at TU Berlin, Germany, 08/09.10.2002, pp. 1-170, ISBN 1-4020-0903-8, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London, 08.-09.10.02
Tutsch, D.: Buffer Design in Delta Networks. Proc. 5th Intern. Workshop "The Internet Challenge: Technology and Applications", pp. 93-101, ISBN 1-4020-0903-8, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London, 08.-09.10.02
Heindl, A.; Hommel, G.: Performance Comparison of 802.11b WLAN Transmission Modes. Proc. 5th Intern. Workshop "The Internet Challenge: Technology and Applications", pp. 83-92, ISBN 1-4020-0903-8, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Berlin, 08.-09.10.02
Huck, A.; Knoke, M.; Hommel, G.: A Simulation Framework for Supply Chain Management in an E-Business Environment. Proc. 5th Intern. Workshop "The Internet Challenge: Technology and Applications", pp. 73-82, ISBN 1-4020-0903-8, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London, 08.-09.10.02
Remuß, V.; Musial, M.; Hommel, G.: MARVIN- An Autonomous Flying Robot- Based on Mass Market Components. Proc. Workshop WS6" Aerial Robotics, pp. 23-28, 2002 IEEE/RSJ Intern. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2002), Lausanne, Schweiz, 30.09.-04.10.2002
Dehnert, J.; Freiheit, J.; Zimmermann, A.: Modelling and evalution of time aspects in business processes. Journal of the Operational Research Society, Band 2/22/1900/2, pp. 1038-1047, ISBN ISSN 0160-5682, Research Society, 2002
Telek, M.; Heindl, A.: Moment Bounds for Acyclic Discrete and Continuous Phase-Type Distributions of Second Order. Proc. 18th UK Performance Engineering Workshop, pp. 4-19, ISBN 0-9541000-1-8, University of Glagow, Glasgow, 2002
Wolter, K.; Zisowsky, A.; Hommel, G.: Performance Models for a Hybrid Reactor System. Modelling, Analysis, and Design of Hybrid Systems, in: LNCIS 279, pp. 193-210, ISBN 3-540-43812-2, S. Engell, G. Frehse, E. Schnieder, Dortmund, Braunschweig, 2002
Kondak, K.; Dasgupta, B.; Hommel, G.; Buss, M.: Design and optimization of the thigh for an exoskeleton based on parallel mechanism. Proc. CLAWAR 2002, pp. 571-578, ISBN 1-86058-380-6, Prof. Engineering Publishing Ltd., London, Paris, 2002
Briesemeister, L.; Hommel, G.: Localized group membership service for ad hoc networks. Proc. of the 2002 ICPP Workshop, pp. 94-100, ISBN 0-7695-1680-7, IEEE Computer Society, Vancouver, 08.2002
Brenner, M.; Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Measuring Transient Performance of a Multistage Interconnection Network Using Ethernet Networking Equipment. Proc. 2002 Internat. Conference on Communications in Computing (CIC'02), pp. 211-216, ISBN 1-892512-92-0, CSREA Press, Athens, GA./USA, Las Vegas, 24.-27.06.2002
Kluge, O.: Petri Nets as aSemantic Model for Message Sequence Chart Specifications. Proc. ETAPS 2002, Workshop "Integration of Software Specification Techniques", pp. 138-147, Hartmut Ehrig, Martin Grosse- Rhode/ TU und DFG, Grenoble, 04.2002
Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: MARVIN siegt im "Millennial Event". Physik in unserer Zeit, pp. 30-36, ISBN 0031-9252, WILEY-VCH, Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Weinheim, 01-2002
Brenner, M.: Improving Accuracy in Modeling Multistage Interconnection Networks. Proc. HPC 2002 High Performance Computing 2002, pp. 274-279, ISBN 1-56555-250-4, SCS (Society for Modelling and Simulation International), San Diego, 2002
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Comparing Switch and Buffer Sizes of Multistage Interconnection Networks in Case of Multicast Traffic. Proc. HPC 2002 High Performance Computing 2002, pp. 300-305, ISBN 1-56555-250-4, SCS (Society for Modelling and Simulation International), San Diego, 2002
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Generating Systems of Equations for Performance Evaluation of Multistage Interconnection Networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Heft 2, Vol.2, pp. 228-240, ISBN 0743-7315, Elsevier-Science, Amsterdam, 2002
Briesemeister, L. ; Hommel, G.: Integrating Simple yet Robust Protocol Layers for Wireless Ad Hoc Intervehicle Communications. Proc. Communication Networks and Distributed Systems Modeling and Simulation (CNDS) im Rahmen der 2002 Western Multiconference (WMC 02), pp. 186-192, ISBN 1-56555-244-X, SCS, San Antonio, Texas/USA, 2002
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Berechnung der zeitoptimalen Bewegung von Robotersystemen: Direkte Methode. Autonome Mobile Systeme 2001, 17. Fachgespräch, pp. 148-157, ISBN 3-540-42552-7, Springer-Verlag, Hrsg.: Paul Levi, Michael Schanz, Stuttgart, 2001
Heindl, A.: Traffic-Based Decomposition of general queueing networks with Correlated Input Processes. pp. 177 Seiten, ISBN 3-8265-9354-5, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2001
Heindl, A.: Decomposition of general tandem queueing networks with MMPP input. Performance Evaluation, an Intern. Journal, Heft 44, pp. 5-23, ISBN 0166-5316, Elsevier-Science, Amsterdam, 2001
Heindl, A.; German, R.: Performance modeling of IEEE 802.11 wireless Lans with stochastic Petri nets. Performance Evaluation, an Intern. Journal, Heft 44, pp. 139-164, ISBN 0166-5316, Elsevier-Science, 2001
Heindl, A.: MAP-Based Decomposition of Tandem Networks of /PH/1(/K) Queues with MAP Input. Proc. MMB2001: 11th GI/ITG Conference on Measuring, Modeling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, pp. 179-194, ISBN 3-80072626-2, VDE-Verlag, Berlin, 2001
Heindl, A.: Node Reordering for Improved Performance of Traffic-Based Decomposition. Proc. PMCCS5: 5th Intern. Workshop on Performability, Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems, ISSN: 0344-3515, pp. 16-20, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, 2001
Tutsch, D.; Sokol, J.: Petri Net Based Performance Evaluation of USAIA's Bandwidth Partitioning for the Wireless Cell Level. Proc. 9th Intern. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM01), pp. 49-58, ISBN 0-7695-1248-8, IEEE Computer Society, Aachen, 2001
Kondak, K.; Binner, St.; Hommel, G.; Neumann, M.: Time Optimal Manipulator Control for Sensor Guided Grasping of Moving Objects. Proc. 2001 IEEE/RSJ Intern. Conference on Intelligent Robots Systems, Band 1/1/1900, pp. 1912-1917, ISBN 0-7803-6614-X, IEEE, Maui/Hawaii, 2001
Freiheit, J.; Zimmermann, A.: A Divide and Conquer Approach for the Performance Evaluation of Large Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. 9th Intern. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM01), pp. 91-100, ISBN 0-7695-1248-8, IEEE Computer Society, Aachen, 2001
Wolter, K.: A Performability Model for a Hybrid Reactor System. Proc. 17th UK Performance Engineering Workshop, pp. 13-22, ISBN 0-951000-0-X, University of Leeds, Leeds, 18.-19.07.2001
Zimmermann, A.; Rodriguez, D.; Silva, M.: A Two Phase Optimisation Method for Petri Net Models of Manufacturing Systems. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Special issue: Global Optimization Meta-Heuristics for Industrial Systems Design and Management, Heft 12, pp. 409-420, ISBN 0956-5515, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.; Huck, A.: A Petri net based design engine for manufacturing systems. Int. Journal of Production Research, special issue on Modeling, Specification and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 39, No.2, pp. 225-253, ISBN 0020-7543, Taylor & Francis Ltd.,
Neumann, M.: Control of Posture and Tool Location Using a Single Force/Torque Sensor. Proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, Catalog Nr.: 01Ch37164C, pp. 3390-3395, ISBN 0-7803-6578-X, IEEE, Seoul, 2001
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Computation of Time Optimal Movements for Autonomous Parking of Non-Holonomic Mobile Platforms. Proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2698-2703, ISBN 0-7803-6578-X, Seoul, 2001
Kristensen, St.; Hansen, V.; Horstmann, S.; Klandt, J.; Kondak, K.; Lohnert, F.; Stopp, A.: Interaktives Lernen von Weltmodellen für einen Service-Roboter. KI Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 0, pp. 52-59, ISBN 0933-1875, arendtap Verlag, Bremen, 2001
Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.; Hommel, G.: Discrete Time Stochastic Petri Nets for the Modeling and Evaluation of Real-Time Systems. Proc. 15th Int. Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 01) WPDRTS, ISBN 0-7695-0990-8, IEEE Computer Society, San Francisco, 2001
Zimmermann, A.; Rodriguez, D.; Silva, M.: Ein effizientes Optimierungsverfahren für Petri-Netz-Modelle von Fertigungssystemen. E. Schnieder (Hrsg.): Engineering komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA 2001), pp. 133-151, ISBN 3-9803363-6-0, TU- Braunschweig, Braunschweig, 2001
Freiheit, J.; Zimmermann, A.: Dekompositionelle Leistungsbewertung grosser stochastischer Petrinetze. E. Schnieder (Hrsg.): Engineering komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA 2001), pp. 311-323, ISBN 3-9803363-6-0, TU- Braunschweig, Braunschweig, 2001
Brenner, M.: An Analytical Method to Obtain the Distribution of Delay Times in Multistage Interconnection Networks. Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium- HPC 2001, pp. 279-284, ISBN 1-56555-237-7, The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), Seattle, 2001
Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Inexpensive System Design: The Flying Robot MARVIN. 16th Int. Unmanned Air Vehicle System Conference (UAVs), pp. 23.1-23.12, ISBN 0-86292 517 7, University of Bristol, Bristol, 2001
Hohnhäuser, B.; Hommel, G.: Identification and Pose Estimation for Automatic Manipulation. Proc. Int. Workshop "Robot Vision 2001", ISSN
0302-9743, LNCS 1998, pp. 52-59, ISBN 3-540-41694-3, Springer Verlag, Auckland, Zealand, 2001
Tutsch, D.; Hendler, M.; Hommel, G.: Multicast Performance of Multistage Interconnection Networks with Shared Buffering. Proc. First International Conference on Networking, (ICN'01), Band 1/1/1900, LNCS 2093, pp. 478-487, ISBN 3-540-42302-8, Springer Verlag, Berlin- Heidelberg, Colmar/ France, 2001
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Multifractal Multicast Traffic in Multistage Interconnection Networks. Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium- HPC 2001, pp. 257-262, ISBN 1-56555-237-7, The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), Seattle, 2001
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Berechnung der kollisionsfreien Bewegung für mobile Roboter mit Hilfe von Optimierungsmethoden. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 10, ISSN
1436-9915, pp. 1-59, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 2000
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.; Horstmann, S.; Kristensen, St.: Computation of Optimal and Collision-free Movements for Mobile Robots. Proc. of the IEEE/ RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'2000), Band 1/3/1900, pp. 1906-1911, ISBN 0-7803-6351-5, 2000
Kluge, O.; Padberg, J.; Ehrig, H.: Modeling Train Control Systems: From Message Sequence Charts to Petri Nets. In: FORMS 2000- Formale Techniken für die Eisenbahn-
sicherung, Fortschritt- Berichte, (Verkehrstechnik/ Fahrzeugtechnik), Heft 0, pp. 25-42, ISBN 3-18-344112-8, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2000
Wolter, K.: Modeling Hybrid Systems with Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Automation of Mixed Processes: Hybrid Dynamic Systems (ADPM2000), pp. 287-292, ISBN 3-8265-7836-8, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2000
Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: MARVINs Sieg im "Millennial Event"- Erfolg durch minimale Lösungen. GI Informatik aktuell Autonome Mobile Systeme 2000, pp. 328-336, ISBN 3-540-41214-X, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2000
Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Cooperative Autonomous Mission Planning and Execution for the Flying Robot MARVIN. Intelligent Autonomous Systems 6, pp. 636-643, ISBN 1-58603-078-7, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2000
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Berechnung der optimalen Bewegung für das autonome Einparken nicht holonomer Fahrzeuge. GI Informatik aktuell Autonome Mobile Systeme 2000, pp. 183-192, ISBN 3-540-41214-X, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2000
German, R.: Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets with General Execution Policies. Supplementary Variable Analysis and a Prototype Tool. Journal of Performance Evaluation, Heft 39, pp. 165-188, Elsevier, 2000
Tutsch, D.: Generating System of Equations for Performance Evaluation of Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, ISSN
1436-9915, pp. 1-35, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 2000
Tutsch, D.; Brenner, M.: Multicast Probabilities of Multistage Interconnection Networks. Proc.12th European Simulation Symposium 2000 (EES 2000), pp. 554-558, ISBN 1-56555-190-7, SCS, Hamburg, 2000
Kristensen, St.; Neumann, M. ; Horstmann, S.; Lohnert, F.; Stopp, A.: Tactile man-robot interaction for an industrial service robot. Sensor Based Intelligent Robots- International Workshop, dagstuhl Castle, Germany, vol. 2238, pp. 184-202, ISBN 3-540-43399-6, in G.D. Hager, H.I. Christensen, H. Bunke, and R. Klein, Germany, 2000
Neumann, M.: Tactile Posture Control of a Redundant Mobile Manipulator. Proc. Int. Workshop "Advanced Robotics and its Applications 2000", pp. 37-43, Shanghai/ China, 2000
Chouikha, M.; Decknatel, G.; Drath, R.; Frey, G.; Müller, Ch.; Simon, C.; Thieme, J.; Wolter, K.: Petri Net- Based Descriptions for Discrete- Continuous System. Automatisierungstechnik, Theoretische Grundlagen, Methoden, Anwendungen, Band 2/18/1900/9, pp. 415-425, Oldenburger Wirtschaftsverlag, München, 2000
Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Development of a Flight Control Algorithm for the Autonomously Flying Robot MARVIN. Proc. Int. Workshop "Advanced Robotics and its Applications 2000", pp. 44-48, Shanghai/ China, 2000
Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Computation of Optimal and Collision-free Movements for Non-holonomic Mobile Platforms. Proc. Int. Workshop "Advanced Robotics and its Applications 2000", pp. 62-67, Shanghai/ China, 2000
Hohnhäuser, B.; Hommel, G.: Identification and Pose Estimation of Overlapping Objects for Automatic Manipulation. Proc. Int. Workshop "Advanced Robotics and its Applications 2000", pp. 32-36, Shanghai/ China, 2000
Zimmermann, A.: Colored Petri Net Modeling, Evaluation, and Control of a Manufacturing Cell. Proc. Int. Workshop "Advanced Robotics and its Applications 2000", pp. 49-54, Shanghai/ China, 2000
Zimmermann, A.; Rodriguez, D.; Silva, M.: A Two Phase Optimisation Strategy for DEDS: Application to a Manufacturing System. 5th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'2000), pp. 291-298, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Ghent/ Belgium, 2000
Dehnert, J.; Freiheit, J.; Zimmermann, A.: Modeling and Performance Evalution of Workflow Systems. 4th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI'2000), Band 12:00:00 AM, pp. 695-700, ISBN 980-07-6694-4, IIIS, Orlando/ USA, 2000
Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.: Tool Support for Model-Based Online Control of Manufacturing Systems. 4th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI'2000), Band 12:00:00 AM, pp. 695-700, ISBN 980-07-6694-4, Int. Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Orlando/ USA, 2000
Huck, A.; Freiheit, J.; Zimmermann, A.: Convex Geometry Applied to Petri Nets: State Space Size Estimation and Calculation of Traps, and Invariants. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 6, 20 Seiten, Technische Universität Berlin, 2000
Dehnert, J.; Freiheit, J.; Zimmermann, A.: Workflow Modeling and Performance Evalution with Colored Stochastic Petri Nets. AAAI Spring Symposium- Bringing Knowledge to Business Processes (AAAI Spring Symp.2000), pp. 139-141, Stanford/ USA, 2000
Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Cooperative Autonomous Mission Planning and Execution for the Flying Robot MARVIN. The 6th Intern. Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Venice/ Italy, 2000
Briesemeister, L.; Hommel, G.: Overcoming Fragmentation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Journal of Communications and Networks. Special issue on Ad Hoc Networking, Band 1/3/1900, pp. 182-187, Korean Institute of Communication Sciences (KICS), 2000
Briesemeister, L.; Schäfers, L.; Hommel, G.: Disseminating Messages among Highly Mobile Hosts based on Inter-Vehicle Communication. Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 522-527, IEEE, 2000
Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Das Kommunikationskonzept für MARVIN, den autonom fliegenden Erkundungsroboter der TU Berlin. VDI Bericht 1552, pp. 545-551, ISBN 3-18-091552-8, VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, 2000
Knoke, M.; Reinicke, Ch.; Remuß, V.; Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Entwicklung einer Orientierungssensorik für einen fliegenden Roboter. VDI Bericht 1552, pp. 537-543, ISBN 3-18-091552-8, VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, 2000
German, R.: Iterative Analysis of Markov Regenerative Models. Computer Performance Evaluation, Modelling Techniques and Tools, 11th Int. Conf., pp. 156-170, ISBN 3-540-67260-5, Springer LNCS 1786, Chicago, IL, 2000
Briesemeister, L.; Hommel, G.: Role-Based Multicast in Highly Mobile but Sparsely Connected Ad Hoc Networks. Proc. of the First Annual Workshop on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking & Computing, pp. 45-50, ISBN 0-7803-6534-8, IEEE, Boston, MA/USA, 2000
Heindl, A.: Decomposition of General Tandem Queueing Networks with MMPP Input and Finite Buffers based on SMPs and MMPPs. 4th International Workshop on Queueing Networks, England, 2000
German, R.: Performance Analysis of Communication Systems, Modeling with Non-Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets. 438 Seiten, ISBN 0-471-49-49258-2, John Wiley and Sons, 2000
Wolter, K.; Zisowsky, A.: On Markov Reward Modelling with FSPNs. Proc. Fourth Int. Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium (IPDS 2000), pp. 3-12, ISBN 0-7695-0553-8, IEEE, Chicago/ USA, 2000
Heindl, A.; German, R.: The Impact of Backoff, EIFS, and Beacons on the Performance of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs. Proc. IEEE Int. Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium (IPDS 2000), pp. 103-112, ISBN 0-7695-0553-8, IEEE, Chicago/ USA, 2000
Heindl, A.: Decomposition of General Tandem Queueing Networks with MMPP Input. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Modelling techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation (TOOLS 2000), pp. 86-100, ISBN 3-540-67260-5, Springer Verlag, Chicago/ USA, 2000
Kluge, O.; Hommel, G.: Message Sequence Chart Specifications with Time and their Representation as Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. of the High Performance Computing Conference 2000 (HPC'2000), pp. 365-370, ISBN 1-56555-197-4, SCS, Washington DC/ USA, 2000
Kluge, O.: Time in Message Sequence Chart Specifications and How to Derive Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. of the Third Int. Workshop on Communication Based Systems (CBS3), pp. 17-31, ISBN 0-7923-6173-3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000
Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.; German, R.; Hommel, G.: Petri Net Modelling and Performability Evaluation with TimeNET 3.0. 11th Int. Conf. on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation (TOOLS'2000), LNCS 1786, pp. 188-202, ISBN 3-540-67260-5, Springer-Verlag, Schaumburg, Illinois/ USA, 2000
Hommel, G.; Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.: Modellierungstechniken für Fertigungssysteme auf der Grundlage von Petri- Netzen. Bericht der Arbeitsgruppe "Fuzzy- Petri- Netze" im DFG- Schwerpunktprogramm "Modellierung der Produktion" Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 1, 57 Seiten, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 2000
Tutsch, D.; Brenner, M.; Hommel, G.: Performance Analysis of Multistage Interconnection Networks in Case of Cut-Through Switching and Multicasting. Proc. of the High Performance Computing Symposium 2000 (HPC 2000), pp. 377-382, ISBN 1-56555-197-4, SCS, Washington DC/ USA, 2000
Musial, M.: Neue Verfahren zur maschinellen Analyse des Verhaltens von Protokollmaschinen anhand passiver Beobachtung. Band 1/1/1900, 185 Seiten, ISBN 3-933342-79-1,, Berlin, 1999
Kristensen, St.; Hansen, V.; Horstmann, S.; Klandt, J.; Kondak, K.; Lohnert, F.; Stopp, A.: Interactive Learning of World Model Information for a Service Robot. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (1724), pp. 49-67, ISBN 3-540-66933-7, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999
Tutsch, D.: Performance Analysis of Transient Network Behavior in Case of Packet Multicasting. Proc. 11th European Simulation Symposium (ESS99), Band 1/1/1900, pp. 630-634, ISBN 1-56555-177-X, SCS, Erlangen, 1999
Wolter, K.: Jump Transitions in Second Order FSPNs. Proc. 7th Int. Symp. On Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'99), pp. 156-163, ISBN 0-7695-0381-0, IEEE Computer Society, Washington DC/ USA, 1999
Wolter, K.: Performance and Dependability Modelling with Second Order Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets, PhD Thesis. Technische Universität Berlin, 155 Seiten, ISBN 3-8265-6963-6, Published by Shaker Verlag Aachen, Aachen, 1999
Wolter, K.; Zisowsky, A.: On Markov Reward Modelling with Second Order FSPNs. Proc.15th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop, pp. 167-177, Research Press International
(TR CSTR-99-007), Bristol, 1999
Kluge, O.: Mapping of Time Extended Message Sequence Chart Specificattions to a Stochastic Petri Net to Derive Temporal Properties. Proc. of the High Performance Computing Conference 1999 (HPC'99), pp. 459-464, San Diego,CA/ USA, 1999
Zimmermann, A.; German, R.; Freiheit, J.; Hommel, G.: TimeNET 3.0 Tool Description. Int. Conf. on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM'99), pp. 1-99, IEEE Computer Society, Zaragoza/ Spanien, 1999
Zimmermann, A.; Westphal, H.; Gramlich, S.: Colored Petri Nets for the Performance Evaluation of a Semiconductor Fabrication Facility. 7th Int. IEEE Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'99), pp. 1071-1080, Barcelona, 1999
Westphal, H.; Zimmermann, A.; Gramlich, S.; Glür, D.: Comparing Industrial Simulation and Petri Net Simulation for Design of an Automation Structure for Semiconductor Fabrication. 11th European Simulation Symposium (ESS'99), Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, 1999
Zimmermann, A.; Westphal, H.; Gramlich, S.; Glür, D.: Introduction into Petri Net Based Simulation and Performance Evaluation of a Semiconductor Fab. 11th European Simulation Symposium (ESS'99), Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, 1999
Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Der autonom fliegende Erkundungsroboter der TU Berlin und sein Erfolg beim Wettbewerb IARC'99. Fachgespräche Autonome Mobile Systeme AMS 99, Band 1/15/1900, pp. 324-333, Springer- Verlag, München, 1999
German, R.: Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets with General Execution Policies: Supplementary Variable Analysis and a Prototype Tool. Performance Evaluation, North- Holland, 1999
R. German: Analysis of Non- Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets. Tutorial- Proc. Multi- Workshop on Formal Methods in Performance Eveluation and Applications, Zaragoza/ Spanien, 1999
Heindl, A.; German, R.: A Fourth- Order Algorithm with Automatic Stepsize Control for the Transient Analysis of DSPNs. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pp. 194-206, IEEE Computer Society, 1999
German, R.: Efficient numerical solutions of Markov regenerative Petri Nets. Proc. 10th INFORMS Applied Probality Conference, Ulm, 1999
Hein, A.; Lüth, T.C.; Hommel, G.: Contact Observation of Interactive Surgical Robotics System. Proc. of IEEE /RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Band 1/2/1900, pp. 733-739, IEEE, Seoul, 1999
Hein, A.; Lüth,T.C.; Bier, J.; Hommel, G.: A robotics retractor hook holder. Proc. of the 13th Int. Congress and Exhibition Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery CARS 99, Paris, 23.-26.6.99, pp. 823-827, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1999
German, R.: Modeling Error Contol for Noisy Channels with Stochastic Petri Nets. Tagungsband der 10. GI/ITG- Fachtagung Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (MMB'99), pp. 187-200, VDE-Verlag, Trier, 1999
German, R.: Cascaded Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. 3th Int. Meeting on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, Sept. 99, Zaragoza, pp. 111-130, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, Zaragoza/ Spanien, 1999
German, R.; Telek, M.: Formal Relation of Markov Renewal Theory and Supplementary Variables in the Analysis of Stochastic Perti Nets. Proc. IEEE 8th Int. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM), pp. 64-73, Zaragoza/ Spanien, 1999
German, R.; Heindl, A.: Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs with Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. IEEE 8th Int. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM), pp. 44-53, Zaragoza/ Spanien, 1999
Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Modelling and Evaluation of Manufacturing Systems Using Dedicated Petri Nets. Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; Special Issue on Petri Nets Applications, Band 1/15/1900, pp. 132-137, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1999
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Multicasting in Interconnection Networks: Modeling and Performance Evaluation. Proc. of the High Performance Computing Conference 1999 (HPC'99), pp. 413-424, San Diego, CA./USA, 1999
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: An Algorithm for the Kinematic Analysis and Optimal Input Joint Assignment of Recursive Mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Heft 34, pp. 615-635, Elsevier Science Ltd., 1999
Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.; Hommel, G.: Fertigungssysteme Modellieren, Bewerten und Steuern mit TimeNets. Fachtagung "Entwicklung und Betrieb komplexer Automatisierungssysteme" (EKA 99), pp. 31-48, TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, 1999
Zimmermann, A.; Rodriguez, D.; Silva, M.: Modelling and Optimisation of Manufacturing Systems: Petri-Nets and Simutated Annealing. European Control Conference (ECC 99), Karlsruhe, 31.8-3.9.99, VDI, VDE, GMA, Karlsruhe, 1999
Heindl, A.: Approximate Analysis of Queueing Networks with Finite Buffers and Losses by Decomposition. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 8, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1998
Kluge, O.: Introducing Critical Regions in Message Sequence Charts. Intern. Workshop on Communication Based Systems, Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 15, pp. 117-125, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1998
Kluge, O.: Extension of Message Sequence Charts to Describe Temporal Behaviour. Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS4), pp. 72-76, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA/USA, 1998
Freiheit, J.; Zimmermann, A.: Extending a Response Time Approximation Technique to Colored Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS4), pp. 67-71, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA/USA, 1998
Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.: TimeNetMS - An Integrated Modeling and Performance Evalution Tool for Manufacturing System. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 98), pp. 535-540, IEEE, San Diego/USA, 1998
German, R.: On the Use of Supplementary Variables in the Analysis of Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. 2nd Int. Symposium on Semi-Markov Models: Theory and Applications, Compiègne, Frankreich, 1998
German, R.: Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets with General Execution Policies: Supplementary Variable Analysis and a Prototype Tool. Proc. 10th Int. Conference on Modeling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evalution, Palma de Mallorca, pp. 255-266, Springer-Verlag LNCS 1469, Berlin, 1998
German, R.: Avoiding Fill-In in the Analysis of Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems, pp. 62-66, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA/ USA, 1998
German, R.: Jensen's Method for Random Mission Times. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 14, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1998
German, R.: About the Relationship of Embedding and Supplementary Variables in the Analysis of Markov Regenerative Models. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 13, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1998
Zimmermann, A.: Modeling of Manufacturing Systems and Production Routes Using Coloured Petri Nets. International Journal of Robotics & Automation, Band 1/13/1900/3, pp. 96-100, ACTA Press, Anaheim, CA/ USA, 1998
Lüth, T.C.; Hein, A.; Albrecht, J.; Demirtas, M.; Zachow, S.; Heissler, E.; Klein, M.; Menneking, H; Hommel, G.; Bier, J.: A Surgical Robot System for Maxillofacial Surgery. IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation (IECON), Aachen, 1998
Wolter, K.: Virtual Waiting Time in Queues obtained from Second Order FSPNs. Proc. 3 rd. Int. Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium (IPDS’98), Durham, North Carolina/ USA, 1998
Moorsel, A.P.A. v.; Wolter, K.: Numerical Solution of non-homogeneous Markov processes through uniformization. Workshop „Analytical and Numerical Modelling Techniques“, European Simulation Multiconference, Society for Computer Simulation, Manchester, 1998
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Multicasting in Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks: an Analytical Algorithm. Proc. of the 12th European Simulation Multiconference, pp. 736-740, SCS Society for Computer Simulation International, San Diego, Manchester, 1998
Hofmann, F.; Heyer, P.; Hommel, G.: Velocity Profile Based Recognition of Dynamic Gestures with Discrete Hidden Markov Models. Bielefeld Gesture Workshop 1997, pp. 81-95, ISBN 3-540-64424-5, Springer LNCS (Lecture Notes on Computer Science), Germany, 1998
Zimmermann, A.; Kühnel, A.; Hommel, G.: A Modelling and Analysis Method for Manufacturing Systems Based on Petri Nets. Proc. 2nd IMACS Int. Multiconference (CESA'98), pp. 276-281, IEEE-SMC, Nabeul-Hammamet/ Tunesien, 1998
Wolter, K.; Hommel, G.: Probabilistic and Deterministic Fluid Flow in Second Order FSPN’s. Proc. of 3rd Intern. Conference on Automation of Mixed Processes: Dynamic Hybrid Systems (ADPM'98), pp. 324-329, Universite de Reims, Reims/ Frankreich, 1998
Lüth, T.C.; Heissler, E.; Albrecht, J.; Demirtas, M.; Hein, A.; Bier, J.; Hommel, G.; Hosten, N.: Robotics for Hyperthermia and Surgical Applications: Research Projects at the Charité- Virchow- Hospital in Berlin. IRAP- 2nd Workshop on Medical Robotics, pp. 80-89, Heidelberg, 1997
Wolter, K.: Second Order Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets: an Extension of GSPNs for Approximate and Continuous Modeling. Proc. World Congress on Systems Simulation, pp. 328-332, Singapore, 1997
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Analysis of Multicasting in Buffered Multistage Interconnection Network. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 20, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, 1997
Sbick, C.; German, R.: Wireless LAN Measuring Tool. 9.ITG/GI-Fachtagung, MMB'97, pp. 118-125, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, 1997
German, R.: SPNL: Processes as Language-Oriented Building Blocks of Stochastic Petri Nets. Computer Performance Evaluation, Modelling Techniques and Tools, 9th Int. Conf. Saint Malo, Juni 1997, pp. 123-134, Springer-Verlag, Frankreich, 1997
Heindl, A.; German, R.: A Fourth-Order Algorithm with Automatic Stepsize Control for the Transient Analysis of DSPNs. Proc. of the 7th Int. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, St. Malo, France (PNPM’97), pp. 60-69, IEEE-Press, Los Alamitos, California, 1997
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Performance of Bufferend Multistage Interconnection Networks in Case of Packet Multicasting. Proc. of the International Conference on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing (APDC'97), 19.-21. März, pp. 50-57, IEEE-Press, Shanghai/ China, 1997
Zijal, R.; Ciardo, G.; Hommel, G.: Discrete Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. MMB'97, 9.ITG/GI- Fachtagung 17.-19. Sept. 1997, Band 1/1/1900, pp. 103-117, VDE-Verlag, Berlin, 1997
Wolter, K.: Second Order Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets: an Extension of GSPNs for Approximate and Continuos modelling. Proc. Anal. and Num. Modelling Techniques with Appl. on Quality of Service Modelling, Band 1/21/1900, pp. 245-257, Aachener Beiträge zur Informatik, Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung, Aachen, 1997
Wolter, K.; Hommel, G.: Hybrid Modelling with Second Order Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, 6 Seiten, Genf/ Schweiz, 1997
Zimmermann, A.; German, R.; Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.; Zijal, R.: TimeNET 2.0- ein Werkzeug zur Modellierung mit zeiterweiterten Petri-Netzen. 5. Konferenz Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, pp. 733, Braunschweig, 1997
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: An Algorithm for the Kinematic Analysis and Optimal Input Joint Assignment of Recursive Mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1997
Zijal, R.; Ciardo, G.: Discrete Deterministic and Stochastic Petri nets. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1996
Wolter, K.; Horton, G.; German, R.: Non- Markovian Fluid Stochastic Petri- Nets. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 13, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1996.
Kuhlmann, T.: Gleichzeitige Simulation von seltenen und häufigen Ereignissen und Zuständen mit RESTART. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 42, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1996
Heindl, A.; German, R.: A Fourth-Order Algorithm with Automatic Stepsize Control for the Transient Analysis of DSPNs. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 35, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1996
German, R.: Processes as Language-Oriented Building Blocks of Stochastic Petri Nets. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 37, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1996
German, R.: A Concept for the Modular Description of Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems, pp. 20–24, Illinois/ USA, 1996
Finke, M.; Hommel, G.; Scheffer, T.; Wysotzki, F.: Aerial robotics in computer science education. Robotics in Computer Science and Engineering Education. Special Issue of Journal Computer Science Education, 1996
Zimmermann, A.; Bode, S.; Hommel, G.: Performance and Dependability Evaluation of Manufacturing Systems Using Petri Nets. Workshop Manufacturing Systems and Petri Nets at the 17th Int. Conf. on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, pp. 235-250, Osaka/ Japan, 1996
Zimmermann, A.; Dalkowski, K.; Hommel, G.: A Case Study In Modeling And Performance Evaluation Of Manufacturing Systems Using Colored Petri Nets. 8th European Simulation Symposium (ESS '96), pp. 282-286, Genua/ Italy, 1996
M.A. Qureshi; W.H. Sanders; A.P.A u. Moorsel; German, R.: Algorithms for the Generation of State-Level Representations of Stochastic Activity Networks with General Reward Structures. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pp. 603–614, 1996
Kovács, P.: Hierarchical Symbolic Solutions of Multiloop Mechanism Kinematics. Proc. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, pp. 376 - 384, Polen, 1996
Hofmann, F.; Hommel, G.: Analyzing Human Gestural Motions using Acceleration Sensors. GW'96: Progress in gestural interaction: Proceedings of Gesture Workshop '96, Philip A. Harling and Alistair D. N. Edwards (eds.), Heft 5, pp. 39-59, Springer Verlag, London, 1996
Kelling, Ch.: Conventional and Fast Simulation Techniques for Stochastic Petri Nets. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 25, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1996
Kelling, Ch.: A Framework for Rare Event Simulation of Stochastic Petri Nets using RESTART. Proc. of the 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, Coronado, CA/ USA, 1996
Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Rare Event Simulation with an Adaptive RESTART Method in a Petri Nets Simulation Environment. Proc. of the 4th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, pp. 229- 234, Honolulu, HI/ USA, 1996
Kelling, Ch.; Henz, J.; Hommel, G.: Modeling and Evaluation of a Distributed Controller Architecture by Stochastic Petri Nets. Journal on Mini and Microcomputers, Band 12:00:00 AM, 1996
Ciardo, G.; Zijal, R.: Well-defined stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. 4th Int. Workshop MASCOTS’96, pp. 278- 284, San Jose, CA/ USA, 1996
German, R.; Moorsel, A.P.A. v.; Qureshi, M.A. ; Sanders, W.H.: Expected Impulse Rewards in Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Proc. 17th Int. Conf., pp. 172- 191, J. Billington, W. Reisig (Hrsg.):, Osaka, Japan, 1996
Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Performance Modeling of Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks with Petri Nets in Case of Packet Multicasting. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 22, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1995
Tutsch, D.; Wilhemi, W.: Leistungsanalyse bei Multicasting in gepufferten mehrstufigen Verbindungsnetzwerken. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 2, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1995
Musial, M.: Ein universeller passiver Protokoll-Monitor. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 18, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1995
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: A new Concept in Algebraic Elimination. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 16, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1995
Zimmermann, A.; Bode, S.: Modellierung von Fertigungssystemen und Arbeitsplänen mit farbigen Petri-Netzen. 4. Fachtagung Entwurf Komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, pp. 249-262, Braunschweig, 1995
Zimmermann, A.: Modeling of Manufacturing Systems and Production Routes Using Coloured Petri Nets. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Manufacturing, pp. 380-383, Cancún/ Mexico, 1995
Kovács, P.: Inverse Kinematic Solution of the Volkswagen VW R30 Robot with the Kinematics Expert System ROCKY-X. Proc. of the Summer School on Computational Kinematics, El Escorial/ Madrid, 1995
Kovács, P.: On Symmetric Multiloop Mechanisms and Molecular Structures. Proc. of the Summer School on Computational Kinematics, El Escorial/ Madrid, 1995
Kovács, P.: Application of Symbolic Solving to Industrial Mechanisms. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1995
German, R.; Moorsel, A.P.A. v.; Qureshi, M.A. ; Sanders, W.H.: Solution of Stochastic Petri Nets with General Distributions, Rate and Impulse Rewards. Research Report 95G01 CRHC, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995
Kelling, Ch.; German, R.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: TimeNET - ein Werkzeug zur Modellierung mit zeiterweiterten Petri-Netzen. Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti), Heft 3, pp. 21-27, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München, 1995
Kelling, Ch.; Henz, J.; Hommel, G.: Design of a Communication Scheme for a Distributed Controller Architecture Using Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, Santa Barbara/USA, 1995
German, R.; Kelling, Ch.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: TimeNET - A Toolkit for Evaluating Stochastic Petri Nets with Non-Exponential Firing Times. Journal of Performance Evaluation, Elsevier, Netherlands, 1995
Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Modeling Priorities in Token Protocols with Timed Petri Nets. Int. Journal on Mini and Microcomputers, Band 12:00:00 AM, 10 Seiten, ISMM Internat. Society for Mini and Microcomputers, 1995
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: An Extension Theorem for Inverse Kinematic Equation Systems. 2nd International Conf. on Computational Kinematics, pp. 31- 40, Sophia-Antipolis, 1995
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: On Optimal Symbolic Solutions of the Inverse Kinematics Problem Part 1: Specialized Analysis. Journal Mech. Design, 18 Seiten, New York, 1995
Brandenburg, U.W.; Finke, M.; Musial, M.: Aufbau und Steuerung des fliegenden Roboters TUBROB. Tagungsband Autonome Mobile Systeme 95, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995
German, R.; Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Evaluation of Non-Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets: Analysis, Simulation and Tool Support. Tutorial-Proceedings des IEEE 6th Int. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, pp. 103-112, Durham, North Carolina/ USA, 1995
German, R.; Kelling, Ch.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: TimeNET-A Toolkit for Evaluating Stochastic Petri Nets with Non-Exponential Firing Times. Journal of Perfomance Evaluation, Band 1/24/1900, pp. 69- 87, Elsevier, Netherlands, 1995
German, R.; Logothetis, D.; Trivedi, K.S.: Transient Analysis of Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets: A Comparison of Approaches. Proc. IEEE 6th Int. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, pp. 103-112, North Carolina/ USA, 1995
German, R.; Mitzlaff, J.: Transient Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets with TimeNET. Proc. Joint Conference PERFORMANCE TOOLS and MMB, pp. 209-223, Springer-Verlag LNCS 977, Heidelberg, 1995
German, R.: Transient Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets by the Method of Supplementary Variables. Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, pp. 394-398, Durham, North Carolina/ USA, 1995
German, R.: New Results on the Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. IEEE Int. Performance and Dependability Symposium, pp. 114-123, Erlangen, 1995
Finke, M.; Goldberg, K.; Hommel, G.: Learning Part Models for Beam Sensing. Proc. 3rd IASTED Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing, pp. 277-279, Iasted/ Acta Press, Anaheim, 1995
German, R.; Kelling, Ch.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: TimeNET a Toolkit for Evaluating Non-Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 19, 21 Seiten, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1994
Zimmermann, A.: A Modeling Method for Flexible Manufacturing Systems based on Colored Petri Nets. Proc. Int. Workshop on New Directions in Control and Manufacturing, pp. 147-154, Hong Kong, 1994
Zijal, R.; German, R.: A New Approach to Discrete Time Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Analysis and Optimization of Systems, Discrete Event Systems, pp. 198-204, LNCS Springer, Sophia-Antipolis/ France, 1994
Zijal, R.: Discrete Time Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. Int. Workshop Quality of Communication-Based Systems, pp. 123-136, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Netherlands, 1994
Musial, M.; Scheffer, T.: A Term-based genetic Code for Artificial Neural Networks. Genetic Algorithms within the Framework of Neural Computation. Proc. of the KI-94 Workschop, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, 1994
Kelling, Ch.: Control Variate Selection Strategies for Timed Petri Nets. Proc. of the European Simulation Symposium, pp. 73-77, Istanbul/ Turkey, 1994
Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Modeling Priorities in Token Protocols with Timed Petri Nets. Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, pp. 110-118, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Ca/ USA, 1994
German, R.: Transient Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets by the Method of Supplementary Variables. Proc. Int. Workshop on the Quality of Communication-Based Systems, pp. 105-121, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Netherlands, 1994
Lindemann, Ch.; Zimmermann, A.: An Adaptive Algorithm for the Efficient Generation of the Tangible Reachability Graph of a Stochastic Petri Net. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 8, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1994
Ciardo, G.; German, R.; Lindemann, Ch.: A Characterization of the Stochastic Process Underlying a Stochastic Petri Net. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pp. 506-515, 1994
German, R.; Lindemann, Ch.: Analysis of Stochastic Petri Nets by the Method of Supplementary Variables. Performance Evaluation, pp. 317-335, North- Holland, 1994
Finke, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: TUBROB-Ein autonom fliegender Roboter. 10. Fachgespräch Autonome Mobile Systeme, Band 12:00:00 AM, pp. 32-42, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: Effiziente bivarate homogene Dekomposition. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 26, 17 Seiten, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1994
German, R.: A New Approach to the Approximation of Deterministic Time in Continuous Time Stochastic Models. Short Papers and Tools Descriptions 7th, pp. 91-94, Wien/ Österreich, 1994
Herrtwich, R.G.; Hommel, G.: Nebenläufige Programme. 2. Aufl., 455 Seiten, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994
Fauth, A.: The CBC Project - Final Report -. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 13, Technische Universität Berlin, 1994
Hommel, G.; Hofmann, F.; Henz, J.: The TU Berlin High-Precision Sensor Glove. In Proceedings of the WWDU'94, 4th International Scientific Conference, Vol. 2, pp. F47-F49, University of Milan, Milan/Italy, 1994
Hommel, G.; German, R.: Quantitative Requirements Engineering for Fault-Tolerant Automation Systems. Internat. Workshop on Advanced Software Technology, Band 1/1/1900, pp. 1-14, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai/ VR China, 1994
Hommel, G.: A Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Language. Internat. Workshop on Advanced Software Technology, Band 1/1/1900, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai/ VR China, 1994
Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Quality of Communication-Based Systems. Proc. of an International Workshop held at the TU Berlin Sept. 1994, 195 Seiten, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Netherlands, 1994
Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Contributions to the Quality of Communication-Based Systems. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 27, 139 Seiten, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1994
Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Modeling Priority Schemes with Timed Petri Nets. Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, pp. 110-118, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Ca./USA, 1994
Fauth, A.; Hommel, G.; Knoll, A.; Müller, C.: Global Code Selection for Directed Acyclic Graphs. International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 94), pp. 128-142, Edinburgh, 1994
Henz, J.; Hofmann, F.; Hommel, G.: Teaching High Precision Frames and Trajectories for Industrial Robots using Ultrasonics. 5th World Conference on Robotics Research, 12 Seiten, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Cambridge, Massachusetts/USA, 1994
German, R.; Zimmermann, A.; Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Modellierung und Bewertung von flexiblen Fertigungssystemen mit TimeNET. CIM Management, Heft 3, pp. 24-27, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München, 1994
Löhr, F.; Fauth, A.; Freericks, M.: SIGH/SIM- An Environment for Retargetable Instruction Set Simulation. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 43, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1993
Kelling, Ch.: Verfahren der Parallelsimulation. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 41, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1993
Kelling, Ch.: A New Method to Determine the Initial Checkpoint of the Spectral Variance Analysis. 7. ITG/GI-Fachtagung Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen, Band 1/2/1900, pp. 37-42, Aachen, 1993
Hommel, G.: Programmierung fehlertoleranter, verteilter Echtzeitsysteme. Informatik-Wirtschaft-Gesellschaft: 23. GI-Jahrestagung, Dresden, 27.9.-1.10.1993, pp. 534-539, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: Fast Functional Decomposition of Sine-Cosine-Polynomials. Proc. IEEE Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp. 980-987, Atlanta/ USA, 1993
Halang, W.; Hommel, G.; Lauber, R.: Perspektiven der Informatik in der Echtzeitverarbeitung. Informatik Spektrum, Heft 16, pp. 357-362, Berlin, 1993
Lindemann, Ch.; German, R.: Modeling Discrete Event System with State-Dependent Deterministic Service Times. Journal on Discrete Event Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications, pp. 249-270, 1993
Lindemann, Ch.; Ciardo, G.; German, R.; Hommel, G.: Performability Modeling of an Automated Manufacturing System with Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. IEEE Intern. Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 576-581, Atlanta, Georgia/ USA, 1993
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: On the Tangent-Half-Angle Substitution. Proc. of the International Workshop on Computational Kinematics at IBFI, Schloß Dagstuhl, pp. 27-40, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Netherlands, 1993
Kovács, P.; Angeles, J.; Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Computational Kinematics. Serie Solid Mechanics and its Applications, Band 1/28/1900, 306 Seiten, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Netherlands, 1993
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: An Expert System for the Optimal Symbolic Solution of the Inverse Kinematics Problem. Proc. 2nd Internat. Conference Automation, Robotics, and Computer Vision (IGARCV), pp. S.RO 4.4.1 - RO 4.4.5, Singapore, 1992
German, R.; Lindemann, Ch.: A Numerical Solution Method for PH/D/1/K Queueing Systems. Proc. 2Nd Int. Workshop on Queueing Systems with Finite Capacity, pp. 171-183, North Holland, Raleigh, North Carolina/ USA, 1992
Henz, J.; Zijal, R.; Hommel, G.: Intelligent Manipulation Control for an Imprecise Dextrous Robot Hand solving a High Precision Task. Proc. Intern. Conference on Automatic Robotics and Computer Vision (ICARCV), Band 1/4/1900, pp. 1-6, Singapore, 1992
Hommel, G.: A Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Language. Proc. of the NATO ASI Series on Real Time Computing, Sint Maarten, Dutch Antilles, Oct. 5-17,1992, Band 5/6/1900, pp. 243-260, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: Simplification of Symbolic Inverse Kinematic Transformations through Functional Decomposition. Proc. 3. Internat. Conf. on Advances in Robot Kinematics, pp. 88-95, Ferrara, 1992
Fan, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Modeling Time-Constrained Multiple-Access Message Transmission by Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. of the 6th Annual European Computer Conference (CompEuro ´92), pp. 395-400, IEEE Computer Society Press, Delft, 1992
Hommel, G.: The Role of Academia, Industry and Government in Real-Time Computing. Proc. of the NATO ASI Series on Real Time Computing, Sint Maarten, Dutch Antilles, Oct. 5-17,1992, Band 5/6/1900, pp. 588-589, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992
Müller, P.; Hommel, G.: GranAda: A Programming Environment for Implementing Distributed Real-Time Applications. IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Int. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control, pp. 729-740, Delft, 1992
Stöcker, G.; Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: A Distributed Kinematics Expert System. 12th Intern. Conf. on AI, Expert System, Nat. Language, pp. 499-508, Avignon, 1992
Fauth, A.; Knoll, A.: Automated Generation of DSP Program Development Tools Utilizing a Machine Description Formalism. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 31, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1992
Freericks, M.; Knoll, A.; Dooley, L.: The Real-Time Programming Language ALDISP-0: Informal Introduction and Formal Semantics. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 26, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1992
R. Matuschka: Numerical Methods for Transient Analysis of Acyclic Markov Chains. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 16, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1992
Lindemann, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Combining Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets and Product-Form Queueing Network Models for Evaluating Gracefully Degradable Systems. Proc. of COMPEURO ´91, pp. 880-884, Bologna/Italien, 1991
Dorn, J.; Hommel, G.: Reactive Planning- A Model of Knowledge- Based Real- Time Planning. Proc. of the International Workshop on Information Processing in Autonomous Mobile Robots, (Ed. G. Schmidt), pp. 219-230, ISBN 3-540-53964-6, Springer-Verlag, 1991
Hetzhein, H.; Hommel, G.: Fuzzy Logic für die Automatisierungstechnik?. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis (atp), Band 2/2/1900/10, pp. 504-510, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München, 1991
Hommel, G.: Lösung der kinematischen Gleichung bei Industrierobotern mit Hilfe eines Expertensystems. Messen, Steuern, Regeln (msr), Band 2/3/1900, pp. 107-111, Berlin, 1991
Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Prozeßrechensysteme ´91. Proc. Automatisierungs- und Leitsysteme in den neunziger Jahren, 449 Seiten, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, 1991
Freericks, M.: The nML Machine Description Formalism. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 15, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1991
Fan, Ch.; Lindemann, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Integrated Protocols for Guaranteeing Time-Critical Communication in CSMA Environments. Proc. of the 10th Intern. Conf. on Computers and Communications, pp. 622-628, IEEE Computer Society Press, Scottsdale Arizona, 1991
Hommel, G.: An Expert System for Robot Kinematics with Distributed Components. International Workshop on Applications in Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai/ VR China, 1990
Hommel, G.: Reactive Planning. International Workshop on Applications in Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai/ VR China, 1990
Hommel, G.: Ein Expertensystem zur Lösung der kinematischen Gleichung bei Industrierobotern. 4. Internationale Tagung Elektronik-Technologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Dorn, J.; Hommel, G.: Reactive Planning. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 25, pp. 1-14, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Hommel, G.: An Expert System for Robot Kinematics with Distributed Components. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 26, pp. 1-10, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Krüger, A.; Herrtwich, R.G.; Hommel, G.: Maßnahmen zur Überprüfung der Leistungsmerkmale UNIX-ähnlicher Echtzeitbetriebssysteme. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 18, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Lindemann, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Combining Deterministic and Product-Form Queueing Networks for Evaluating Gracefully Degradable Systems. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 39, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Lindemann, Ch.; Wolisz, A.: Stochastic Petri Net Models for CSMA/CD Lan’s with Deterministic Collision Resolution. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 33, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Schweikard, A.: Polynomial Time Collision Detection for Manipulator Paths specified by Joint Motions. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 32, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Schweikard, A.: A Hyperplane Strategy for Multi-Dimensional Motion Planning. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 30, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Hommel, G.; Heiß, H.: Roboterkinematik. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 15, 118 Seiten, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: Factorization and Decomposition in Kinematic Equation Systems. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 23, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: Reduced Equation Systems for the Inverse Kinematics Problem. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 20, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Schweikard, A.: Square-free Trigonometric Polynomials. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 12, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Kruckemeyer, V.; Knoll, A.: Eine imperative Sprache zur Programmierung digitaler Signalprozessoren. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 10, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Freericks, M.; Knoll, A.: ALDiSP- Eine applikative Programmiersprache für Anwendungen in der digitalen Signalverarbeitung. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 9, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Knoll, A.; Ottink, F.; Sasse, R.: Aktive Stereometrie- ein Verfahren zur genauen und schnellen Generierung von Entfernungsbildern in der Robotik. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 6, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
Herrtwich, R.G.; Hommel, G.: Kooperation und Konkurrenz – Nebenläufige, verteilte und echtzeitabhängige Programmsysteme. Studienreihe Informatik, 462 Seiten, Springer- Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Paris, London, Tokio, Hongkong, 1989
Grzeschniok, F.: Planen paralleler Aktivitäten mit einem Zeitintervallkalkül. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 25, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1989
Schweikard, A.: Real Zero Isolation for Trigonometric and Exponential Polynomials. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 21, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1989
Czech, H.; Herrtwich, R.G.; Sasse, R.; Hommel, G.: Programme für kooperierende Maschinen in der Fertigung – Themenstellung des REAL WORLD Projekts. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 11, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1989
Günther, R.; Herrtwich, R.G.: Vergleich zweier Ada-Systeme unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Tauglichkeit für Echtzeitanwendungen. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 10, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1989
Herrtwich, R.G.: Verteiltes Koordinieren mehrerer Roboter - Eine ADAIR-Erweiterung-. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 7, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1989
Letzte Änderung: November 2008 |