Günter Hommel
Günter Hommel received his diploma degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in Electrical
Engineering from TU Berlin in 1970. He first joined the Department of
Electrical Engineering and then the Department of Computer Science at
TU Berlin where he received his Ph.D. in Computer Science. In 1978 he
joined the Nuclear Research Center in Karlsruhe working in the field
of Real-Time Systems. From 1980 he was the head a research group in
Software Engineering at the German National Research Center for
Information Technology (GMD, today: Fraunhofer Institute) in Bonn. In
1982 he was appointed professor at the Institute of Computer Science
at TU Munich, where he worked in the fields of Real-Time Programming
and Robotics. Since 1984 he has been professor at the Institute of
Computer Engineering at TU Berlin heading the Real-Time Systems and
Robotics Group. In 2002 he received an honorary doctorate (Dr. h.c.)
from the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and
Computer Science. In 2004 he was appointed Advisory Professor at
Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In 2005 he was nominated Director of
“TU Berlin – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Research Labs
for Information and Communication Technology” in Shanghai. He
transitioned into retirement in 2006. From 2012 to 2014 he has been
professor at Bahçeşehir University (BAU) in Istanbul where he was teaching
Robotics, helped to build up a modern Robotics lab, and supported the
Berlin Campus of BAU finding lecturers for various study programs.
He has published more than 200 papers and 14 books. He has been an
organizer of, chairman of, and reviewer for numerous international
conferences and journals. He has been a reviewer for the German
National Science Foundation (DFG) and has evaluated computer science
faculties of universities in the former German Democratic Republic
after the unification of Germany. Since 1990 he had continuously
received funding for two Ph.D. programs financed by DFG. He has experience
with international education systems from a sabbatical at USC in Los Angeles
and from giving courses to students in different countries like France, China,
Russia, Turkey, and Indonesia. He has served several times as deputy chairman
and chairman of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at TU Berlin.
He has served in the steering committee of the German Computer Society (GI)
for several years. Additionally he has been chairman of the board of
directors of a software company (Novedia AG) in Berlin for several
Professor Dr.-Ing.
Dr. h.c. Günter Hommel
Technische Universität Berlin
Institut of Computer Engineering and Microelectronics
Email: guenter.hommel@tu-berlin.de
1. International Journals
- Ollero, A; Lacroix, S.; Merino, L.; Gancet, J.; Wiklund, J.;
Remuß, V.; Perez, I.V.; Gutierrez, L.G.; Viegas, D.X.; Benitez, M.A.G.;
Mallet, A.; Chatila, R.A.R.; Hommel, G.; Lechuga, F.J.C.; Arrue, B.C.;
Ferruz, J.; Martinez-de Dios, J.R.; Caballero, F: Multiple Eyes in the Skies. IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine, Heft 0, Vol. 12, pp. 46-57, ISBN ISSN: 1070-9932, IEEE, 2005
- Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Towards Modeling and Evaluation of ETCS Real-Time Communication and Operation.
The Journal of Systems and Software, ( Special Issue on Parallel and
Distributed Real-Time Systems), Vol.77, Issue 1, pp. 47-54, ISBN
0164-1212, Elsevier, 2005
- Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Towards Modeling and Evaluation of ETCS Real-Time Communication and Operation. Journal of Systems and Software, 2004
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Generating Systems of Equations for Performance Evaluation of Multistage Interconnection Networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Heft 2, Vol.2, pp. 228-240, ISBN 0743-7315, Elsevier-Science, Amsterdam, 2002
- Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Modelling and Evaluation of Manufacturing Systems Using Dedicated Petri Nets.
Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; Special Issue on
Petri Nets Applications, Band 1/15/1900, pp. 132-137, Springer- Verlag,
Berlin, 1999
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: An Algorithm for the Kinematic Analysis and Optimal Input Joint Assignment of Recursive Mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Heft 34, pp. 615-635, Elsevier Science Ltd., 1999
- Finke, M.; Hommel, G.; Scheffer, T.; Wysotzki, F.: Aerial robotics in computer science education. Robotics in Computer Science and Engineering Education. Special Issue of Journal Computer Science Education, 1996
- Kelling, Ch.; Henz, J.; Hommel, G.: Modeling and Evaluation of a Distributed Controller Architecture by Stochastic Petri Nets. Journal on Mini and Microcomputers, Band 12:00:00 AM, 1996
- German, R.; Kelling, Ch.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: TimeNET - A Toolkit for Evaluating Stochastic Petri Nets with Non-Exponential Firing Times. Journal of Performance Evaluation, Elsevier, Netherlands, 1995
- Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Modeling Priorities in Token Protocols with Timed Petri Nets.
Int. Journal on Mini and Microcomputers, Band 12:00:00 AM, 10 Seiten,
ISMM Internat. Society for Mini and Microcomputers, 1995
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: On Optimal Symbolic Solutions of the Inverse Kinematics Problem Part 1: Specialized Analysis. Journal Mech. Design, 18 Seiten, New York, 1995
- German, R.; Kelling, Ch.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: TimeNET-A Toolkit for Evaluating Stochastic Petri Nets with Non-Exponential Firing Times. Journal of Perfomance Evaluation, Band 1/24/1900, pp. 69- 87, Elsevier, Netherlands, 1995
- Hommel, G.; Jähnichen, S.; Kleine, K.; Koch, W.: Program Construction with Abstract Notions in ELAN. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Conference on Computers in Education, pp. 43-48, North Holland, 1981.
- Hommel, G.: Computer Science Education with ELAN. Computers and Education, Vol. 2, pp. 205-212, 1978.
2. Chapters in International Books
- Remuß, V.; Deeg, C.; Musial, M.; Hommel, G.; Béjar, M.; Cuesta, F.; Ollero, A.: Autonomous Helicopters.
in: springer tracts in advanced robotics 37-Multiple Heterogeneous
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Anibal Ollero, Iván Maza (Eds.), pp. 111-146,
ISBN 3-540-73957-2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2007
- Remuß, V.; Musial, M.; Hommel, G.: Communication. in:
springer tracts in advanced robotics 37-Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles, Anibal Ollero, Iván Maza (Eds.), pp. 49-65, ISBN
3-540-73957-2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2007
- Wege, A.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Development and Control of a Hand Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation. In: Hommel, G.; Huanye, S. (Hrsg.) Human Interaction with Machines, pp. 149-157, ISBN 1-4020-4042-3, Springer-Verlag, 2005
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Stable Motion Pattern Generationand Control of an Exoskeleton-Robot. In: Hommel, G.; Huanye, S. (Hrsg.) Human Interaction with Machines, pp. 107-116, ISBN 1-4020-4042-3, Springer-Verlag, 2005
- Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: EMG-Driven Human Model for Orthesis Control.
Proc. Intern. Workshop on Human Interactions with Machines, In:
Hommel, G.; Huanye, S. (Hrsg.) Human Interaction with Machines,pp.
69-76, ISBN 1-4020-4042-3, Springer-Verlag, 2005
- Heindl, A.; Hommel, G.: Performance Comparison of 802.11b WLAN Transmission Modes.
Proc. 5th Intern. Workshop "The Internet Challenge: Technology and
Applications", pp. 83-92, ISBN 1-4020-0903-8, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Berlin, 08.-09.10.02
- Huck, A.; Knoke, M.; Hommel, G.: A Simulation Framework for Supply Chain Management in an E-Business Environment.
Proc. 5th Intern. Workshop "The Internet Challenge: Technology and
Applications", pp. 73-82, ISBN 1-4020-0903-8, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London, 08.-09.10.02
- Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Development of a Flight Control Algorithm for the Autonomously Flying Robot MARVIN. Proc. Int. Workshop "Advanced Robotics and its Applications 2000", pp. 44-48, Shanghai/ China, 2000
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Computation of Optimal and Collision-free Movements for Non-holonomic Mobile Platforms. Proc. Int. Workshop "Advanced Robotics and its Applications 2000", pp. 62-67, Shanghai/ China, 2000
- Hohnhäuser, B.; Hommel, G.: Identification and Pose Estimation of Overlapping Objects for Automatic Manipulation. Proc. Int. Workshop "Advanced Robotics and its Applications 2000", pp. 32-36, Shanghai/ China, 2000
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: On the Tangent-Half-Angle Substitution.
Proc. of the International Workshop on Computational Kinematics at
IBFI, Schloß Dagstuhl, pp. 27-40, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht/ Netherlands, 1993
- Hommel, G.: A Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Language.
Proc. of the NATO ASI Series on Real Time Computing, Sint Maarten,
Dutch Antilles, Oct. 5-17,1992, Band 5/6/1900, pp. 243-260,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992
- Hommel, G.: The Role of Academia, Industry and Government in Real-Time Computing.
Proc. of the NATO ASI Series on Real Time Computing, Sint Maarten,
Dutch Antilles, Oct. 5-17,1992, Band 5/6/1900, pp. 588-589,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992
- Hommel, G.: Language Constructs for Distributed Programs. In Distributed Systems, Methods and Tools for Specification, An Advanced Course. In: M. Paul and H.J. Siegert (Eds.), LNCS 190, Springer – Verlag 1984.
3. International Conferences
- Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: A Human-Exoskeleton Interface Utilizing Electromyography. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 872-882, ISBN 1552-3098, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, 08.2008
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: MLMIN: A Multicore Processor and Parallel Computer Network Topology for Multicast. Computers and Operations Research, pp. 3807-3821, ISBN 0305-0548, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 12.2008
- Bernard, M.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Elaborated Modelling and Control for an Autonomous Quadrotor.
Proc. Unmanned Air Vehicle Systems 22nd Intern. Conference Bristol
2007, pp. 27.1-27.10, ISBN 978-0-9552644-I-2, University of Bristol,
Bristol/GB, 16.04-18.04.2007
- Kondak, K.; Bernard, M.; Meyer, N.; Hommel, G.: Autonomously Flying VTOL-Robots:Modelling and Control.
Proc. 2007 IEEE Intern. Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.
736-741, ISBN 1-4244-0602-1, IEEE, Rom/Italien, 10.-14.04.2007
- Fleischer, Ch., Hommel, G.: Calibration of an EMG-based Bady Model with six Muscles to control a Leg Exoskeleton.
Proc. 2007 IEEE Intern. Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.
2514-2519, ISBN 1-4244-0602-1, IEE, Rom/Italien, 10.-14.04.2007
- Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: Force Control Strategy for a Hand Exoskeleton Based on Sliding Mode Position Control. Proc. IROS 2006, Beijing, 2006
- Voruganti, H.K.; Dasgupta, B.; Hommel, G.: Harmonic Function based Domain Mapping Method for General Domains. WSEAS Transaction on Computers, Vol. 5, ISBN 1109-2750, 2006
- Voruganti, H.K.; Dasgupta, B.; Hommel, G.: A Novel Potential Field besed Domain Mapping Method. Proc.2006 WSEAS Intern. Conference on Communications, Vouliagmeni, Athen/Griechenland, 13.-15.07.2006
- Zimmermann, A.; Knoke, M.; Hommel, G.: Complete Event Ordering for Time Warp Simulation of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems.
Proc. Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim’06), pp. 459-466,
ISBN 1-56555-303-9, SCS, Huntsville, Alabama, 02.-06.04.2006
- Knoke, M.; Rasinski, D.; Hommel, G.: Embedded Systems Design Using Optimistic Distributed Simulation of Colored Petri Nets.
Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and
Applications”, pp. 33-42, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: High Performance Low Cost Multicore NoC Architectures for Embedded Systems.
Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and
Applications”, pp. 53-62, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
- Lüdtke, D.; Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: An Analyzable On-Chip Network Architecture for Embedded Systems.
Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and
Applications”, pp. 63-72, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
- Musial, M.; Remuß, V.; Deeg, C.; Hommel, G.: Embedded System Architecture of the Second Generation Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle MARVIN MARK II.
Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and
Applications”, pp. 101-110, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
- Musial, M.; Remuß, V.; Hommel, G.: Middleware for Distributed Embedded Real- Time Systems.
Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and
Applications”, pp. 111-120, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
- Bernard, M.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Framework for Development and Test of Embedded Flight Control Software for Autonomous Small Size Helicopters.
Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and
Applications”, pp. 159-168, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
- Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: High Performance Low Cost Multicore NoC Architectures for Embedded Systems.
Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and
Applications”, pp. 169-176, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
- Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Embedded Control System for a Powered Leg Exoskeleton.
Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop “Embedded Systems-Modeling, Technology and
Applications”, pp. 177-185, ISBN 1-4020-4932-3, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 26.-27.06.2006
- Kondak, K.; Bernard, M.; Hommel, G.; Kopanev, D.: High Performance Position Control of an Autonomous Small Size Helicopter.
Proc. 6th IASTED Int. Conf. On Robotics and Applications- RA 2005, pp.
70-75, ISBN 0-88986-523-X, IASTED, Cambridge/MA., USA, 31.10.-02.11.05
- Reinicke, Ch.; Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Exploiting Motion Symmetry in Control of Exoskeleton Limbs.
Proc.IASTED Int. Conf. On Human Computer Interaction (IASTED-HCI
2005), pp. 209-214, ISBN 0-88986-535-3, IEEE, Phoenix, Arizona/USA,
- Wege, A.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Mechanical Design and Motion Control of a Hand Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation.
Proc. IEEE ICMA 2005 ( Int. Conf. on Mechatronics and Automation ),
pp. 155-159, ISBN 0-7803-9045-9, IEEE, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada,
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Design of a Robust High Gain Pid Motion Controller using Sliding Mode Theory.
Proc. IEEE ICMA 2005 ( Int. Conf. on Mechatronics and Automation ),
pp. 26-31, ISBN 0-7803-9045-9, IEEE, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada,
- Fleischer, Ch.; Reinicke, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Predicting the Intended Motion with EMG-Signals for an Exoskeleton Orthosis Controller.
Proc.of the 2005 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. On Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS), pp. 3449-3454, ISBN 0-7803-8913-1, IEEE, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, 02.-06.08.2005
- Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: Development and Control of a Hand Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation of Hand Injuries.
Proc.of the 2005 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. On Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS), pp. 3461-3466, ISBN 0-7803-8913-1, IEEE, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, 02.-06.08.2005
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.; Stanczyk, B.; Buss, M.: Robust Motion Control for Robotic Systems Using Sliding Mode.
Proc.of the 2005 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. On Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS), pp. 3182-3187, ISBN 0-7803-8913-1, IEEE, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, 02.-06.08.2005
- Knoke, M.; Hommel, G.: Dealing with Global Guards ina Distributed Simulation of Colored Petri Nets.
Proc. 9.IEEE Intern. Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time
Application, pp. 51-58, ISBN 0-7695-2462-1, IEEE, Montreal,Canada,
- Knoke, M.; Kühling, F.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Performance of a Distributed Simulation of Timed Colored Petri Nets with Fine-Grained Partitioning.
Proc.of 2005 Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems
Symposium (DASD'05), pp. 63-71, ISBN 1-56555-294-6, SCS, San Diego,
USA, 2005
- Lüdtke, D.; Tutsch, D.; Walter, A.; Hommel, G.: Improved Performance of Bidirectional Multistage Interconnection.
Proc.of 2005 Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems
Symposium (DASD'05), pp. 21-27, ISBN 1-56555-294-6, SCS, San Diego,
USA, 2005
- Trowitzsch, J.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Towards Quantitative Analysis of Real-Time UML using Stochastic Petri Nets.
13th Int. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems
(WPDRTS05), ISBN 0-7695-2313-9, IEEE, Denver, Colorado, 04.2005
- Fleischer, Ch.; Kondak, K.; Reinicke, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Motion Calculation for Human Lower Extremities Based on EMG-Signal-Processing and Simple Biomechanical Model. Proc.of the 7th Int. Conf. On Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), pp. 153-161, ISBN 3-540-22992-2, Madrid, 2004
- Deeg, C.; Musial, M.; Hommel, G.: Control and Simulation of an Autonomously Flying Model Helicopter.
5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, M.I. Ribeiro;
J. Santos-Victor;, pp. 6 Seiten, Elsevier, Lissabon, Portugal,
- Musial, M.; Deeg, C.; Remuß, V.; Hommel, G.: Orientation Sensing for Helicopter UAVs under Strict Resource Constraints. Proc. First European Micro Air Vehicle Conference EMAV 2004, Braunschweig, Germany, 13.-14.07.2004
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Online Generation of Stable Gait for Biped Robots with Feedback Loop Algorithm.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society ( RAM 2004 ), ISBN
2004710-7150-7803-8646-9, IEEE R&A Soc. Singapore Chapter,
Singapore, 01.-03.12.2004
- Kondak, K.; Deeg, C.; Hommel, G.; Musial, M.; Remuß, V.: Mechanical Model and Control of an Autonomous Small Size Helicopter with a Stiff Main Rotor. Proc. IROS 2004, pp. 2469-2474, ISBN 0-7803-8464-4, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Sendai, Japan, 28.09.-02.10.2004
- Fleischer, Ch.; Kondak, K.; Reinicke, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Online Calibration of the EMG to Force Relationship. Proc. IROS 2004, pp. 1305-1310, ISBN 0-7803-8464-4, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Sendai, Japan, 28.09.-02.10.2004
- Wege, A.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Self-Calibrating Joint Angle Measurements for Human Fingers Using Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensors.
Proc. Mechatronics & Robotics´04, Volume 1/1/1900, pp. 195-200,
ISBN 3-938153-30-X, Sascha Eysoldt Verlag, Aachen, 13.09-15.09.2004
- Knoke, M.; Kühling, F.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: Towards Correct Distributed Simulation of High-Level Petri Nets with Fine-Grained Partitioning.
Proc. ISPA-'04 (Internat. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing and Applications), LNCS, pp. 64-74, ISBN 3-540-24128-0,
Springer-Verlag, Hong Kong, China, 13.-15.12.2004
- Ollero, A.; Hommel, G.; Gancet, J.; Gutierrez, L.-G.; Viegas, D.X.; Forssén, P.-E.; González, M.A.:: Comets: A Multiple Heterogeneous UAV System. SSRR2004- Conference, ISBN 3-8167-6556-4, 2004
- Tutsch, D.; Lüdtke, D.; Hommel, G.: Multicast Routing in Clos Networks.
Proceedings of 2004, Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed
Systems 2004 (DASD 2004), pp. 21-27, ISBN 156555-277-6, SCS, Arlington,
- Hohnhäuser, B.; Hommel, G.: 3D Pose Estimation using Coupled Snakes.
WSCG Conference Proceedings, Volume 12, Number 1, V. Skala (ed.),
University of West Bohemia, Heft 1, Vol.1, pp. 161-165, Pilsen, Czech
Republic, 2004
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Control and Online Computation of Stable Movement for Biped Robots.
Proceedings IROS 2003 (2003 IEEE/RSJ Internat. Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems), pp. 874-879, ISBN 0-7803-7861-X, IEEE,
Las Vegas, Nevada, 2003
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Control algorithm for stable walking of biped robots.
6th Intern. Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support
Technologies for Mobile Machines, pp. 119-126, ISBN 1-86058-409-8,
Professional Engineering Publishing Limited, Giovanni Muscato, Domenico
Longo, Catania, Italy, 2003
- Neumann, M.; Hommel, G.: Tactile Commanding of Mobile Manipulators Using Force/Torque Gestures.
ICAR 2003, the 11th Intern. Conference on Advanced Robotics, Vol. 2,
pp. 804-809, ISBN 972-96889-8-2, IEEE, Coimbra, Portugal,
- Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: A Train Control System Case Study in Model-Based Real-Time System Design.
Proc. 11th Intern. Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Real- Time
Systems, pp. 8, ISBN 0-7695-1926-1, IEEE, Nizza, 22.-24.04.2003
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Multilayer Multistage Interconnection Networks.
Proc. Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed System 2003,
part of the 2003 ASTC 2003, pp. 155-162, ISBN 1-56555-266-0, SCS The
Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Orlando, Florida,
- Remuß, V.; Musial, M.; Hommel, G.: MARVIN- An Autonomous Flying Robot- Based on Mass Market Components.
Proc. Workshop WS6" Aerial Robotics, pp. 23-28, 2002 IEEE/RSJ Intern.
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2002), Lausanne,
Schweiz, 30.09.-04.10.2002
- Wolter, K.; Zisowsky, A.; Hommel, G.: Performance Models for a Hybrid Reactor System.
Modelling, Analysis, and Design of Hybrid Systems, in: LNCS 279, pp.
193-210, ISBN 3-540-43812-2, S. Engell, G. Frehse, E. Schnieder,
Dortmund, Braunschweig, 2002
- Kondak, K.; Dasgupta, B.; Hommel, G.; Buss, M.: Design and optimization of the thigh for an exoskeleton based on parallel mechanism. Proc. CLAWAR 2002, pp. 571-578, ISBN 1-86058-380-6, Prof. Engineering Publishing Ltd., London, Paris, 2002
- Briesemeister, L.; Hommel, G.: Localized group membership service for ad hoc networks. Proc. of the 2002 ICPP Workshop, pp. 94-100, ISBN 0-7695-1680-7, IEEE Computer Society, Vancouver, 08.2002
- Brenner, M.; Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Measuring Transient Performance of a Multistage Interconnection Network Using Ethernet Networking Equipment.
Proc. 2002 Internat. Conference on Communications in Computing
(CIC'02), pp. 211-216, ISBN 1-892512-92-0, CSREA Press, Athens,
GA./USA, Las Vegas, 24.-27.06.2002
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Comparing Switch and Buffer Sizes of Multistage Interconnection Networks in Case of Multicast Traffic.
Proc. HPC 2002 High Performance Computing 2002, pp. 300-305, ISBN
1-56555-250-4, SCS (Society for Modelling and Simulation International),
San Diego, 2002
- Briesemeister, L.; Hommel, G.: Integrating Simple yet Robust Protocol Layers for Wireless Ad Hoc Intervehicle Communications.
Proc. Communication Networks and Distributed Systems Modeling and
Simulation (CNDS) in the framework of 2002 Western Multiconference (WMC
02), pp. 186-192, ISBN 1-56555-244-X, SCS, San Antonio, Texas/USA, 2002
- Kondak, K.; Binner, St.; Hommel, G.; Neumann, M.: Time Optimal Manipulator Control for Sensor Guided Grasping of Moving Objects.
Proc. 2001 IEEE/RSJ Intern. Conference on Intelligent Robots Systems,
Band 1/1/1900, pp. 1912-1917, ISBN 0-7803-6614-X, IEEE, Maui/Hawaii,
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Computation of Time Optimal Movements for Autonomous Parking of Non-Holonomic Mobile Platforms. Proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2698-2703, ISBN 0-7803-6578-X, Seoul, 2001
- Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.; Hommel, G.: Discrete Time Stochastic Petri Nets for the Modeling and Evaluation of Real-Time Systems.
Proc. 15th Int. Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS
01) WPDRTS, ISBN 0-7695-0990-8, IEEE Computer Society, San Francisco,
- Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Inexpensive System Design: The Flying Robot MARVIN.
16th Int. Unmanned Air Vehicle System Conference (UAVs), pp.
23.1-23.12, ISBN 0-86292 517 7, University of Bristol, Bristol, 2001
- Hohnhäuser, B.; Hommel, G.: Identification and Pose Estimation for Automatic Manipulation. Proc. Int. Workshop "Robot Vision 2001", pp. 52-59, ISBN 3-540-41694-3, Springer Verlag, Auckland, New Zealand, 2001
- Tutsch, D.; Hendler, M.; Hommel, G.: Multicast Performance of Multistage Interconnection Networks with Shared Buffering.
Proc. First International Conference on Networking, (ICN'01), Band
1/1/1900, LNCS 2093, pp. 478-487, ISBN 3-540-42302-8, Springer Verlag,
Berlin- Heidelberg, Colmar/ France, 2001
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Multifractal Multicast Traffic in Multistage Interconnection Networks.
Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium- HPC 2001, pp. 257-262,
ISBN 1-56555-237-7, The Society for Modeling and Simulation
International (SCS), Seattle, 2001
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.; Horstmann, S.; Kristensen, St.: Computation of Optimal and Collision-free Movements for Mobile Robots.
Proc. of the IEEE/ RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots
and Systems (IROS'2000), Band 1/3/1900, pp. 1906-1911, ISBN
0-7803-6351-5, 2000
- Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Cooperative Autonomous Mission Planning and Execution for the Flying Robot MARVIN. Intelligent Autonomous Systems 6, pp. 636-643, ISBN 1-58603-078-7, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2000
- Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Cooperative Autonomous Mission Planning and Execution for the Flying Robot MARVIN. The 6th Intern. Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Venice/ Italy, 2000
- Briesemeister, L.; Hommel, G.: Overcoming Fragmentation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
Journal of Communications and Networks. Special issue on Ad Hoc
Networking, Band 1/3/1900, pp. 182-187, Korean Institute of
Communication Sciences (KICS), 2000
- Briesemeister, L.; Schäfers, L.; Hommel, G.: Disseminating Messages among Highly Mobile Hosts based on Inter-Vehicle Communication. Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 522-527, IEEE, 2000
- Briesemeister, L.; Hommel, G.: Role-Based Multicast in Highly Mobile but Sparsely Connected Ad Hoc Networks.
Proc. of the First Annual Workshop on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking &
Computing, pp. 45-50, ISBN 0-7803-6534-8, IEEE, Boston, MA/USA, 2000
- Kluge, O.; Hommel, G.: Message Sequence Chart Specifications with Time and their Representation as Stochastic Petri Nets.
Proc. of the High Performance Computing Conference 2000 (HPC'2000),
pp. 365-370, ISBN 1-56555-197-4, SCS, Washington DC/ USA, 2000
- Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.; German, R.; Hommel, G.: Petri Net Modelling and Performability Evaluation with TimeNET 3.0.
11th Int. Conf. on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer
Performance Evaluation (TOOLS'2000), LNCS 1786, pp. 188-202, ISBN
3-540-67260-5, Springer-Verlag, Schaumburg, Illinois/ USA, 2000
- Tutsch, D.; Brenner, M.; Hommel, G.: Performance Analysis of Multistage Interconnection Networks in Case of Cut-Through Switching and Multicasting.
Proc. of the High Performance Computing Symposium 2000 (HPC 2000), pp.
377-382, ISBN 1-56555-197-4, SCS, Washington DC/ USA, 2000
- Zimmermann, A.; German, R.; Freiheit, J.; Hommel, G.: TimeNET 3.0 Tool Description. Int. Conf. on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM'99), pp. 1-99, IEEE Computer Society, Zaragoza/ Spanien, 1999
- Hein, A.; Lüth, T.C.; Hommel, G.: Contact Observation of Interactive Surgical Robotics System. Proc. of IEEE /RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Band 1/2/1900, pp. 733-739, IEEE, Seoul, 1999
- Hein, A.; Lüth,T.C.; Bier, J.; Hommel, G.: A robotics retractor hook holder.
Proc. of the 13th Int. Congress and Exhibition Computer Assisted
Radiology and Surgery CARS 99, Paris, 23.-26.6.99, pp. 823-827,
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1999
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Multicasting in Interconnection Networks: Modeling and Performance Evaluation. Proc. of the High Performance Computing Conference 1999 (HPC'99), pp. 413-424, San Diego, CA./USA, 1999
- Lüth, T.C.; Hein, A.; Albrecht, J.; Demirtas, M.; Zachow, S.; Heissler, E.; Klein, M.; Menneking, H; Hommel, G.; Bier, J.: A Surgical Robot System for Maxillofacial Surgery. IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation (IECON), Aachen, 1998
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Multicasting in Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks: an Analytical Algorithm.
Proc. of the 12th European Simulation Multiconference, pp. 736-740,
SCS Society for Computer Simulation International, San Diego,
Manchester, 1998
- Hofmann, F.; Heyer, P.; Hommel, G.: Velocity Profile Based Recognition of Dynamic Gestures with Discrete Hidden Markov Models.
Bielefeld Gesture Workshop 1997, pp. 81-95, ISBN 3-540-64424-5,
Springer LNCS (Lecture Notes on Computer Science), Germany, 1998
- Zimmermann, A.; Kühnel, A.; Hommel, G.: A Modelling and Analysis Method for Manufacturing Systems Based on Petri Nets. Proc. 2nd IMACS Int. Multiconference (CESA'98), pp. 276-281, IEEE-SMC, Nabeul-Hammamet/ Tunesien, 1998
- Wolter, K.; Hommel, G.: Probabilistic and Deterministic Fluid Flow in Second Order FSPN’s.
Proc. of 3rd Intern. Conference on Automation of Mixed Processes:
Dynamic Hybrid Systems (ADPM'98), pp. 324-329, Universite de Reims,
Reims/ Frankreich, 1998
- Lüth, T.C.; Heissler, E.; Albrecht, J.; Demirtas, M.; Hein, A.; Bier, J.; Hommel, G.; Hosten, N.: Robotics for Hyperthermia and Surgical Applications: Research Projects at the Charité- Virchow- Hospital in Berlin. IRAP- 2nd Workshop on Medical Robotics, pp. 80-89, Heidelberg, 1997
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Performance of Bufferend Multistage Interconnection Networks in Case of Packet Multicasting. Proc. of the International Conference on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing (APDC'97), 19.-21. März, pp. 50-57, IEEE-Press, Shanghai/ China, 1997
- Wolter, K.; Hommel, G.: Hybrid Modelling with Second Order Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, 6 Seiten, Genf/ Schweiz, 1997
- Zimmermann, A.; Bode, S.; Hommel, G.: Performance and Dependability Evaluation of Manufacturing Systems Using Petri Nets. Workshop Manufacturing Systems and Petri Nets at the 17th Int. Conf. on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, pp. 235-250, Osaka/ Japan, 1996
- Zimmermann, A.; Dalkowski, K.; Hommel, G.: A Case Study In Modeling And Performance Evaluation Of Manufacturing Systems Using Colored Petri Nets. 8th European Simulation Symposium (ESS '96), pp. 282-286, Genua/ Italy, 1996
- Hofmann, F.; Hommel, G.: Analyzing Human Gestural Motions using Acceleration Sensors. GW'96: Progress in gestural interaction: Proceedings of Gesture Workshop '96, Philip A. Harling and Alistair D. N. Edwards (eds.), Heft 5, pp. 39-59, Springer Verlag, London, 1996
- Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Rare Event Simulation with an Adaptive RESTART Method in a Petri Nets Simulation Environment. Proc. of the 4th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, pp. 229- 234, Honolulu, HI/ USA, 1996
- Kelling, Ch.; Henz, J.; Hommel, G.: Design of a Communication Scheme for a Distributed Controller Architecture Using Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, Santa Barbara/USA, 1995
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: An Extension Theorem for Inverse Kinematic Equation Systems. 2nd International Conf. on Computational Kinematics, pp. 31- 40, Sophia-Antipolis, 1995
- German, R.; Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Evaluation of Non-Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets: Analysis, Simulation and Tool Support. Tutorial-Proceedings des IEEE 6th Int. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, pp. 103-112, Durham, North Carolina/ USA, 1995
- Finke, M.; Goldberg, K.; Hommel, G.: Learning Part Models for Beam Sensing. Proc. 3rd IASTED Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing, pp. 277-279, Iasted/ Acta Press, Anaheim, 1995
- Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Modeling Priorities in Token Protocols with Timed Petri Nets. Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, pp. 110-118, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Ca/ USA, 1994
- Hommel, G.; Hofmann, F.; Henz, J.: The TU Berlin High-Precision Sensor Glove. In Proceedings of the WWDU'94, 4th International Scientific Conference, Vol. 2, pp. F47-F49, University of Milan, Milan/Italy, 1994
- Hommel, G.; German, R.: Quantitative Requirements Engineering for Fault-Tolerant Automation Systems. Internat. Workshop on Advanced Software Technology, Band 1/1/1900, pp.1-14, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai/ VR China, 1994
- Hommel, G.: A Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Language. Internat. Workshop on Advanced Software Technology, Band 1/1/1900, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai/ VR China, 1994
- Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Modeling Priority Schemes with Timed Petri Nets. Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, pp. 110-118, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Ca./USA, 1994
- Fauth, A.; Hommel, G.; Knoll, A.; Müller, C.: Global Code Selection for Directed Acyclic Graphs. International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 94), pp. 128-142, Edinburgh, 1994
- Henz, J.; Hofmann, F.; Hommel, G.: Teaching High Precision Frames and Trajectories for Industrial Robots using Ultrasonics. 5th World Conference on Robotics Research, 12 Seiten, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Cambridge, Massachusetts/USA, 1994
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: Fast Functional Decomposition of Sine-Cosine-Polynomials. Proc. IEEE Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp. 980-987, Atlanta/ USA, 1993
- Lindemann, Ch.; Ciardo, G.; German, R.; Hommel, G.: Performability Modeling of an Automated Manufacturing System with Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. IEEE Intern. Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 576-581, Atlanta, Georgia/ USA, 1993
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: An Expert System for the Optimal Symbolic Solution of the Inverse Kinematics Problem. Proc. 2nd Internat. Conference Automation, Robotics, and Computer Vision (IGARCV), pp. S.RO 4.4.1 - RO 4.4.5, Singapore, 1992
- Henz, J.; Zijal, R.; Hommel, G.: Intelligent Manipulation Control for an Imprecise Dextrous Robot Hand solving a High Precision Task. Proc. Intern. Conference on Automatic Robotics and Computer Vision (ICARCV), Band 1/4/1900, pp. 1-6, Singapore, 1992
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: Simplification of Symbolic Inverse Kinematic Transformations through Functional Decomposition. Proc. 3. Internat. Conf. on Advances in Robot Kinematics, pp. 88-95, Ferrara, 1992
- Fan, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Modeling Time-Constrained Multiple-Access Message Transmission by Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets. Proc. of the 6th Annual European Computer Conference (CompEuro ´92), pp. 395-400, IEEE Computer Society Press, Delft, 1992
- Müller, P.; Hommel, G.: GranAda: A Programming Environment for Implementing Distributed Real-Time Applications. IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Int. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control, pp. 729-740, Delft, 1992
- Stöcker, G.; Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: A Distributed Kinematics Expert System. 12th Intern. Conf. on AI, Expert System, Nat. Language, pp. 499-508, Avignon, 1992
- Lindemann, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Combining Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets and Product-Form Queueing Network Models for Evaluating Gracefully Degradable Systems. Proc. of COMPEURO ´91, pp. 880-884, Bologna/Italien, 1991
- Dorn, J.; Hommel, G.: Reactive Planning- A Model of Knowledge- Based Real- Time Planning. Proc. of the International Workshop on Information Processing in Autonomous Mobile Robots, (Ed. G. Schmidt), pp. 219-230, ISBN 3-540-53964-6, Springer-Verlag, 1991
- Fan, Ch.; Lindemann, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Integrated Protocols for Guaranteeing Time-Critical Communication in CSMA Environments. Proc. of the 10th Intern. Conf. on Computers and Communications, pp. 622-628, IEEE Computer Society Press, Scottsdale Arizona, 1991
- Hommel, G.: An Expert System for Robot Kinematics with Distributed Components. International Workshop on Applications in Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai/ VR China, 1990
- Hommel, G.: Reactive Planning. International Workshop on Applications in Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai/ VR China, 1990
- Hommel, G.: Program Construction with Abstract Notions in ELAN. Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP world conference on computers in education. Lausanne, 1981.
- Hommel, G.: Software Production for Computer Controlled Automation Systems. Proceedings of the 6th IFAC/IFIP Conference on Digital Computer Applications to Process Control. Pergamon Press, 1980.
4. National Journals
- Fleischer, Ch.; Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: Mit Hand und Fuß - Exoskelette. orthodoc. (interdisziplinäre medizin am bewegungsapparat), Heft 4, pp. 27-29, ISBN 1613-4486, Verlag-orthodoc, Passau, 04.2007
- Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Steuerung einer angetriebenen Beinorthese mit Hilfe von EMG-Signalen- Control of a Powered Leg Orthosis with EMG Signals. pp. 358-365, ISBN 0340-5591, Orthopädie- Technik 5/06, Dortmund, 2006
- Fleischer, Ch.; Wege, A.; Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Application of EMG signals for controlling exoskeleton robots. Biomed Tech. 2006, vol. 51, no. 5_6, 2006, pp. 314-319, Special Issue: Biosignal Processing (Part 2), Walter De Gruyter Berlin New York, 2006
- Kondak, K.; Wege, A.; Stanczyk, B.; Buss, M.; Hommel, G: Robust Motion Control for Fully Actuated Robots Using Sliding Mode. at-Automatisierungstechnik, Jahrgang 54 (2006) Heft 7, Band 7/1/2006/7, pp. 342-352, ISBN 0178-2312, Oldenbourg Verlag, München, 2006
- Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: MARVIN siegt im "Millennial Event". Physik in unserer Zeit, pp. 30-36, ISBN 0031-9252, WILEY-VCH, Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Weinheim, 01-2002
- Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: MARVINs Sieg im "Millennial Event"- Erfolg durch minimale Lösungen. GI Informatik aktuell Autonome Mobile Systeme 2000, pp. 328-336, ISBN 3-540-41214-X, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2000
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Berechnung der optimalen Bewegung für das autonome Einparken nicht holonomer Fahrzeuge. GI Informatik aktuell Autonome Mobile Systeme 2000, pp. 183-192, ISBN 3-540-41214-X, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2000
- Kelling, Ch.; German, R.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: TimeNET - ein Werkzeug zur Modellierung mit zeiterweiterten Petri-Netzen. Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti), Heft 3, pp. 21-27, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München, 1995
- German, R.; Zimmermann, A.; Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Modellierung und Bewertung von flexiblen Fertigungssystemen mit TimeNET. CIM Management, Heft 3, pp. 24-27, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München, 1994
- Halang, W.; Hommel, G.; Lauber, R.: Perspektiven der Informatik in der Echtzeitverarbeitung. Informatik Spektrum, Heft 16, pp. 357-362, Berlin, 1993
- Hetzheim, H.; Hommel, G.: Fuzzy Logic für die Automatisierungstechnik?. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis (atp), Band 2/2/1900/10, pp. 504-510, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München, 1991
- Hommel, G.: Lösung der kinematischen Gleichung bei Industrierobotern mit Hilfe eines Expertensystems. Messen, Steuern, Regeln (msr), Band 2/3/1900, pp. 107-111, Berlin, 1991
- Schweikard, A.; Hommel, G.: Berechnung erreichbarer Effektorstellungen für Handhabungsgeräte mit weniger als sechs Freiheitsgraden. in: Robotersysteme, 4, S. 177 – 182, 1988.
- Hommel, G.: Systematisches Vorgehen bei der Software – Entwicklung für Prozeßautomatisierungssysteme. Regelungstechnische Praxis, Heft 1, 1983.
- Hommel, G.: Programmierung von Industrierobotern. Regelungstechnische Praxis, Heft 7, 1980.
- Hommel, G.: PEARL für Mikrocomputer. Regelungstechnische Praxis, Heft 5, 1980.
- Hommel, G.: Portabilität systemnaher Software. Regelungstechnische Praxis, Heft 3, 1980.
- Hommel, G.: Prozeßrechner – Softwarekosten werden reduziert. VDI – Nachrichten 34, Nr. 8, 1980.
- Hommel, G.: Anforderungen an eine normfähige Beschreibung von Programmiersprachen. Regelungstechnische Praxis, Heft 9, 1979.
- Hommel, G.: Systematische Entwicklung von PDV – Systemen. Regelungstechnische Praxis, Heft 9, 1978.
- Hommel, G.; Jähnichen, S.; Koch W.: Konzepte der Schulsprache ELAN. Neue Unterrichtspraxis. 11. Jahrgang (Heft 6), Schroedel Verlag, Hannover, 1978.
5. National Conferences
- Hommel, G.: Real-Time Systems Through the Ages. In: Unger, H. and Schaible, M. (eds) Echtzeit 2020. Informatik aktuell. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, ISBN978-3-658-32817-7
- Singla, E.; Dasgupta, B.; Kondak, K.; Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Optimal Design of an Exoskeleton Hip Using Three-Degrees-of-Freedom Spherical Mechanism. Proc. ISR/ Robotik 2006, pp. 10, ISBN 3-18-091956-6, VDI Verlag, München, 15.-18.05.2006
- Zimmermann, A.; Knoke, M.; Huck, A.; Hommel, G.: Towards version 4.0 of TimeNET. Proc. 13 GI/ ITG Fachtagung, Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (MMB2006) Reinhard German, Armin Heindl (Eds.), pp. 477-480, ISBN 3-8007-2945-8, VDE Verlag GmbH, Nürnberg, 27.-29.03.2006
- Fleischer, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Torque Control of an Exoskeleton Knee with EMG Signals. Proc. ISR/ Robotik 2006, pp. 9, ISBN 3-18-091956-6, VDI Verlag, München, 15.-18.05.2006
- Wege, A.; Hommel, G.: Position-Based and Force-Based Control Strategies for a Hand Exoskeleton Developed for Rehabilitation. Proc. ISR/ Robotik 2006, pp. 10, ISBN 3-18-091956-6, VDI Verlag, München, 15.-18.05.2006
- Kondak, K.; Bernard, M.; Losse, N.; Hommel, G.: Elaborated Modelling and Control for Autonomous Small Size Helicopters. Proc. ISR/ Robotik 2006, pp. 13, ISBN 3-18-091956-6, VDI Verlag, München, 15.-18.05.2006
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Berechnung der zeitoptimalen Bewegung von Robotersystemen: Direkte Methode. Autonome Mobile Systeme 2001, 17. Fachgespräch, pp. 148-157, ISBN 3-540-42552-7, Springer-Verlag, Hrsg.: Paul Levi, Michael Schanz, Stuttgart, 2001
- Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Das Kommunikationskonzept für MARVIN, den autonom fliegenden Erkundungsroboter der TU Berlin. VDI Bericht 1552, pp. 545-551, ISBN 3-18-091552-8, VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, 2000
- Knoke, M.; Reinicke, Ch.; Remuß, V.; Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Entwicklung einer Orientierungssensorik für einen fliegenden Roboter. VDI Bericht 1552, pp. 537-543, ISBN 3-18-091552-8, VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, 2000
- Musial, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: Der autonom fliegende Erkundungsroboter der TU Berlin und sein Erfolg beim Wettbewerb IARC'99. Fachgespräche Autonome Mobile Systeme AMS 99, Band 1/15/1900, pp. 324-333, Springer- Verlag, München, 1999
- Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.; Hommel, G.: Fertigungssysteme Modellieren, Bewerten und Steuern mit TimeNets. Fachtagung "Entwicklung und Betrieb komplexer Automatisierungssysteme" (EKA 99), pp. 31-48, TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, 1999
- Zijal, R.; Ciardo, G.; Hommel, G.: Discrete Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. MMB'97, 9.ITG/GI- Fachtagung 17.-19. Sept. 1997, Band 1/1/1900, pp. 103-117, VDE-Verlag, Berlin, 1997
- Zimmermann, A.; German, R.; Kelling, Ch.; Hommel, G.; Zijal, R.: TimeNET 2.0- ein Werkzeug zur Modellierung mit zeiterweiterten Petri-Netzen. 5. Konferenz Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, pp. 733, Braunschweig, 1997
- Finke, M.; Brandenburg, U.W.; Hommel, G.: TUBROB-Ein autonom fliegender Roboter. 10. Fachgespräch Autonome Mobile Systeme, Band 12:00:00 AM, pp. 32-42, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994
- Hommel, G.: Programmierung fehlertoleranter, verteilter Echtzeitsysteme. Informatik-Wirtschaft-Gesellschaft: 23. GI-Jahrestagung, Dresden, 27.9.-1.10.1993, pp. 534-539, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993
- Hommel, G.: Ein Expertensystem zur Lösung der kinematischen Gleichung bei Industrierobotern. 4. Internationale Tagung Elektronik-Technologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, 1990
- Dorn, J.; Hommel, G.; Knoll, A.: Skripte als ereignisorientierte Repräsentationsmechanismen in der Robotik. Fachgespräch Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz in der Robotik. Informatik – Fachberichte Bd. 126, S. 656 – 670. Springer – Verlag 1986.
- Hommel, G.: Systematisches Vorgehen bei der Entwicklung von Automatisierungssytemen – Schritte, Werkzeuge, Entwurfsprozesse. VDI – Berichte 451, VDI – Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1982.
- Hommel, G.: Erfahrungen mit der Prozeßprogrammiersprache PEARL im industriellen Einsatz. VDE – Fachbericht Band 31, VDE – Verlag Berlin, 1980.
- Hommel, G.: Portabilität von Software. Berichte des German Chapter of the ACM, Bd. 4: Portable Software, B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1980.
- Hommel, G.: Zukunftsperspektiven für die Software – Entwicklung. VDI – Bericht 348: Mikroelektronik im Maschinenbau, VDI – Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1979.
- Hommel G.; Jähnichen, S.; Koch W.: SLAN – eine erweiterbare Sprache zur Unterstützung der strukturierten und modularen Programmierung. In: Informatik–Fachberichte Nr. 1 zur 4. GI-Fachtagung Programmiersprachen, Springer-Verlag, 1976.
- Hommel, G.: Methoden der Darstellung von Algorithmen in der Informatikausbildung im Sekundarbereich II, In: Hecker, O.; Hommel, G. et.al.: Probleme der Informatikausbildung im Sekundarbereich II (Schriften zur Berufsbildungsforschung; 39), ISBN 9783507918481, Herrmann – Schroedel – Verlag, Hannover, 1976.
6. Books
- Hommel, G.; Sheng, H. (Eds.): Embedded Systems: Modeling, Technology and Applications.
Proc. 7th International Workshop held at the Technical University
Berlin, pp. 195, ISBN 1-4020-4042-3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006
- Hommel, G.; Sheng, H. (Eds.): Human Interaction with Machines.
Proc. 6th International Workshop held at the Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, pp. 188, ISBN 1-4020-4042-3, Springer-Verlag, Shanghai,
- Hommel, G.; Sheng, H. (Eds.): The Internet Challenge: Technology and Applications.
Proc. of the 5th International Workshop held at TU Berlin, Germany,
pp. 170, ISBN 1-4020-0903-8, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/
Boston/ London, 2002
- Hommel, G. (Ed.): Communication-Based Systems. Proc. of
the 3rd International Workshop held at TU Berlin, Germany, pp. 195,
ISBN 0-7923-6173-3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Boston/
London, 2000
- Herrtwich, R.G.; Hommel, G.: Nebenläufige Programme. 2. Aufl., 455 Seiten, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994
- Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Quality of Communication-Based Systems.
Proc. of an International Workshop held at the TU Berlin Sept. 1994,
195 Seiten, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Netherlands, 1994
- Kovács, P.; Angeles, J.; Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Computational Kinematics.
Serie Solid Mechanics and its Applications, Band 1/28/1900, 306
Seiten, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Netherlands, 1993
- Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Prozeßrechensysteme ´91. Proc. Automatisierungs- und Leitsysteme in den neunziger Jahren, 449 Seiten, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, 1991
- Herrtwich, R.G.; Hommel, G.: Kooperation und Konkurrenz – Nebenläufige, verteilte und echtzeitabhängige Programmsysteme. Studienreihe Informatik, 462 Seiten, Springer- Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Paris, London, Tokio, Hongkong, 1989
- Hommel, G.; Schindler, S. (Hrsg.): GI-16. Jahrestagung I und II. Informatik Anwendungen – Trends und Perspektiven. ISBN 3-540-16813-3 und ISBN 3-540-16814-1, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, New York, 1986
- Hommel, G.; Jähnichen, S.; Koster, C.H.A.: Methodisches Programmieren. ISBN 3-11-009636-6, Walter de Gruyter Verlag Berlin, New York, 1983
- Hommel, G.; Krönig, D. (Hrsg.): Requirements Engineering. Arbeitstagung der GI, Friedrichshafen. ISBN 3-540-12692-9, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo, 1983
- Hommel, G.; Jäckel, J.; Jähnichen, S.; Kleine, K.; Koch, W.; Koster, C.H.A.: ELAN-Sprachbeschreibung, ISBN 3-400-00384-0 Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Wiesbaden 1979.
- Hecker, O.; Hommel, G. et.al.: Probleme der Informatikausbildung im Sekundarbereich II (Schriften zur Berufsbildungsforschung 39), ISBN 9783507918481, Herrmann – Schroedel – Verlag, Hannover, 1976.
7. Other Papers
- Kondak, K.; Hommel, G.: Berechnung der kollisionsfreien Bewegung für mobile Roboter mit Hilfe von Optimierungsmethoden.
Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 10, ISSN
1436-9915, pp. 1-59, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 2000
- Hommel, G.; Zimmermann, A.; Freiheit, J.: Modellierungstechniken für Fertigungssysteme auf der Grundlage von Petri- Netzen.
Bericht der Arbeitsgruppe "Fuzzy- Petri- Netze" im DFG-
Schwerpunktprogramm "Modellierung der Produktion" Technischer Bericht
des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 1, 57 Seiten, Technische Universität
Berlin, Berlin, 2000
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Analysis of Multicasting in Buffered Multistage Interconnection Network. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 20, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1997
- Tutsch, D.; Hommel, G.: Performance Modeling of Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks with Petri Nets in Case of Packet Multicasting. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 22, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1995
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: A new Concept in Algebraic Elimination. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 16, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1995
- German, R.; Kelling, Ch.; Zimmermann, A.; Hommel, G.: TimeNET a Toolkit for Evaluating Non-Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 19, 21 Seiten, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1994
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: Effiziente bivarate homogene Dekomposition. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 26, 17 Seiten, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1994
- Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Contributions to the Quality of Communication-Based Systems. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 27, 139 Seiten, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1994
- Dorn, J.; Hommel, G.: Reactive Planning. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 25, pp. 1-14, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
- Hommel, G.: An Expert System for Robot Kinematics with Distributed Components. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 26, pp. 1-10, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
- Krüger, A.; Herrtwich, R.G.; Hommel, G.: Maßnahmen zur Überprüfung der Leistungsmerkmale UNIX-ähnlicher Echtzeitbetriebssysteme. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 18, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
- Lindemann, Ch.; Hommel, G.: Combining Deterministic and Product-Form Queueing Networks for Evaluating Gracefully Degradable Systems. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 39, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
- Hommel, G.; Heiß, H.: Roboterkinematik. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 15, 118 Seiten, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: Factorization and Decomposition in Kinematic Equation Systems. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 23, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
- Kovács, P.; Hommel, G.: Reduced Equation Systems for the Inverse Kinematics Problem. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 20, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1990
- Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Vergleich verschiedener Spezifikationsverfahren am Beispiel einer Paketverteilanlage. Bericht KfK – PDV 186, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, August 1980.
- Czech, H.; Herrtwich, R.G.; Sasse, R.; Hommel, G.: Programme für kooperierende Maschinen in der Fertigung – Themenstellung des REAL WORLD Projekts. Technischer Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Heft 11, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 1989
- Gmeiner, L., Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Testen und Verifizieren von Prozeßrechnersoftware. Bericht KfK – PDV 179, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Dezember 1979.
- Hommel, G. (Hrsg.): Verfahren und Hilfsmittel für Spezifikation und Entwurf von Prozeßautomatisierungssystemen. Bericht KfK – PDV 154, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Juli 1978.
- Hommel, G.; Jähnichen, S.; Koster, C.H.A.: Systematisches Programmieren mit ELAN, Fachbereich Informatik, Bericht Nr. 77-11, TU Berlin.
- Hommel, G.; Jähnichen, S.; Koch W.: ELAN – Eine neue Programmiersprache für den Informatik–Unterricht. Technical Report, Technische Universität Berlin, 1976.
- Hommel, G.; Jähnichen, S.; Kleine K.; Koch W.: Beschreibung der Schulsprache ELAN. Technical Report, FEoLL GmbH, Paderborn, 1976.
- Hommel, G.; Kleine, K.: Standard – Pakete der Schulsprache ELAN, Technical Report, FEoLL GmbH, Paderborn, 1976.
- Hahn R.; Hommel G.; Jähnichen S.; Rebensburg K.: Using the CDL – Compiler – Compiler to Construct an ALGOL 60 Compiler, International Workshop on CDL and Affix Grammars, Proceedings TU Berlin, February 1973.
- Hahn, R.; Hommel, G.; Jähnichen, S.; Rebensburg, K.: Erstellung eines ALGOL 60 – Compilers mit Hilfe von CDL, Bericht Nr. 60, Institut für Allgemeine Elektrotechnik, TU Berlin, Februar 1973.
- Hommel, G.: Einführung in die Programmiersprache BASIC PLUS. 1. Auflage 1972, 4. Auflage 1976, Studienhilfe e.V. Berlin.
8. Prizes Awarded in Contests
- 1995 Second Prize at the International Aerial Robotics Competition
organized by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems (AUVS) in
the USA
- 2000 First Prize at the International Aerial Robotics Competition
organized by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems (AUVS) in the