Ankündigung einer Lehrveranstaltung im Graduiertenkolleg


"Some results on light traffic analysis of queueing systems with non-Poisson arrivals"

27. März 2001

Prof. Dr. Igor N. Kovalenko
National Academy of Science Ukraine und Universität Trier

Dienstag, 27. März 2001, 14 Uhr

Besprechungsraum des Fachgebiets Prozessdatenverarbeitung und Robotik der TU Berlin, Raum FR2051 im Franklingebäude
In queueing theory and mathematical reliability theory light traffic approximations are extensively studied for the case of a Poisson arrival. In this lecture some generalizations are discussed relating light traffic analysis of queues with a phase-dependent arrival process. The results can be applied to reliability analysis of repairable redundant systems. Monte Carlo procedures for the analysis of rare events happening to such systems, are suggested.