7.3. Package Bodies


In contrast to the entities declared in the visible part of a package specification, the entities declared in the package body are only visible within the package body itself. As a consequence, a package with a package body can be used for the construction of a group of related subprograms (a package in the usual sense), in which the logical operations available to the users are clearly isolated from the internal entities.

For the elaboration of a package body, its declarative part is first elaborated, and its sequence of statements (if any) is then executed. The optional exception handlers at the end of a package body service exceptions raised during the execution of the sequence of statements of the package body.


A variable declared in the body of a package is only visible within this body and, consequently, its value can only be changed within the package body. In the absence of local tasks, the value of such a variable remains unchanged between calls issued from outside the package to subprograms declared in the visible part. The properties of such a variable are similar to those of an "own" variable of Algol 60.

The elaboration of the body of a subprogram declared in the visible part of a package is caused by the elaboration of the body of the package. Hence a call of such a subprogram by an outside program unit raises the exception PROGRAM_ERROR if the call takes place before the elaboration of the package body (see 3.9).

Example of a package:

    package RATIONAL_NUMBERS is 

       type RATIONAL is
             NUMERATOR   : INTEGER;
          end record; 

       function EQUAL(X,Y : RATIONAL) return BOOLEAN; 

       function "/"  (X,Y : INTEGER)  return RATIONAL;  --  to construct a
                                                             rational number
       function "+"  (X,Y : RATIONAL) return RATIONAL;
       function "-"  (X,Y : RATIONAL) return RATIONAL;
       function "*"  (X,Y : RATIONAL) return RATIONAL;
       function "/"  (X,Y : RATIONAL) return RATIONAL;

    package body RATIONAL_NUMBERS is 

       procedure SAME_DENOMINATOR (X,Y : in out RATIONAL) is
          --  reduces X and Y to the same denominator:

       function EQUAL(X,Y : RATIONAL) return BOOLEAN is
          U,V : RATIONAL;
          U := X;
          V := Y;
          return U.NUMERATOR = V.NUMERATOR;
       end EQUAL; 

       function "/" (X,Y : INTEGER) return RATIONAL is
          if Y > 0 then
             return (NUMERATOR => X,  DENOMINATOR => Y);
             return (NUMERATOR => -X, DENOMINATOR => -Y);
          end if;
       end "/"; 

       function "+" (X,Y : RATIONAL) return RATIONAL is ...  end "+";
       function "-" (X,Y : RATIONAL) return RATIONAL is ...  end "-";
       function "*" (X,Y : RATIONAL) return RATIONAL is ...  end "*";
       function "/" (X,Y : RATIONAL) return RATIONAL is ...  end "/"; 


References: declaration, declarative part, elaboration, and 3.9, exception, exception handler, name, package specification, program unit, program_error exception, sequence of statements, subprogram, variable, visible part.